All posts in “pigeons”



I’m often amused at how people attempt to fix pest issues, but as you can see it usually doesn’t work. Chicken wires look terrible and plastic spikes don’t bend and usually turn brown. The birds often find way to nest in the plastic and again it looks bad, really bad. I really dislike pigeons, they poop in their nest and if a baby chick dies they build right on top and continue raising new chicks. Spend the money and hire a  Pest Management Professional, it will look good and be done right. We usually have seen it all before and can make recommendations on the work. Also a quick note, don’t put rocks or brick up there they might work for a time but will fail.



Entering bugs

Entering bugs like scorpions, roaches and whatever else can enter.

Entering termites, scorpions et all. Termites can make their way through the smallest of a crack or hole. Scorpions can enter under a door, or a  crack under a window or fireplace. Home-sealing is the absolute best method to keep them out, second to that is pest control and third is black lighting your property frequently.

One call to do it all, 480-831-9328 ProBest Pest Management. Sounds like ProBest could be in the wizardry world, nope nothing magical we just know our business. We train often, we read and attend seminars to be up to date on new products. What makes us different is our knowledge – 2 staffers who are A.C.E. Associate Certified Entomologists.





Flocking (is that a word) – Roosting and Nesting?

If you have an issue like this, you might have poop everywhere? Here’s your sign, right? They would gather and then fly to one roof where they would just roost and enjoy their day. At night they may go back to one particular home and nest. Poop everywhere and their nest are disgusting, poop and old dead bodies. Gross! I personally think pigeons are nasty, but there are ways to remove them from your home or business and you need a professional to combat them

  • Looks for signs like poop and feathers.
  • Maybe they nesting, check corners and areas where they can have their back against a wall.
  • Do they gather at your place or a neighbors?


The Birds

The Birds

I really hate the mess these birds make, they poop and we track it in. A lot of animals create havoc in our lives including rodents and pigeons. They can build nest within our homes and after we get rid of them we may have secondary issues with parasites and other potential critters. I also hate the idea of them spreading the germs and bacteria into our lives, but I guess they were probably here first.

What options do you have?

  • Bird spikes (I prefer the wire ones)
  • Bird shock tracks
  • Hardware cloth
  • Deterrents like flag and mylar
  • Hotfoot

Don’t use chicken wire or rocks to deter them. Chicken wire looks bad and they will go around the stones or bricks.


Pigeon Crap

Pigeon Crap

Pigeon Crap feces whatever you want to call it. I hate the messes these birds/pigeons leave behind. The other problem is what they leave behind in their nest or nesting areas. I’m just not a fan of these pigeons and their foul pooping crap they leave for us to navigate. I know I’ll get comments from people who just love these birds, OK I get it. Just from my point of view they are nasty. The rest of the story is that when you walk through this sh** you track it into your home. Little children, pets play on that floor = gross.

Pigeon CrapPigeon Crap

So what do you do? Hire ProBest Pest Management to clean it up and fix the problem 480-831-9328. Correctly install bird spikes and check them to adjust. If the birds move, you correct that issue and pretty soon they will move on.

Bird devices

Bird devices

These bird devices are the newest in deterring birds pigeons away from homes and businesses. I have seen these popping up all across the Phoenix metro area. I will experiment with 2 on my roof, just for an idea of work-ability. I’m also thinking they would work on billboards etc. My arch enemy flying these days are woodpeckers. Its not like I don’t like them I just haven’t found a simple and effective way to keep them out of certain home areas. They just want to drum chimney areas with metal flashing and they can be quite loud.

Bird devices


Features & Benefits:

    • Silent, economical humane bird deterrent.
    • Uses wind, sunlight, and reflective flashes to scare birds away.
    • Great for use on buildings, boats and within agricultural settings.
    • Made of durable aluminum and plastic for outdoor use.
    • Extremely effective.
    • Adjustable.
    • Device should be glued, screwed, or tied down to flat surfaces.
    • Effectively deters seagulls, pigeons, and more!


Scary things living in your attic?

A bump in the night in your attic!

It might sound strange, but if you hear noises at night in the attic it may not be your imagination. Maybe those bumps in the night might be coming from inside your attic. Even the smallest of holes allow mice and insects such as honeybees access into your home. I always suggest that you do periodic checks of your home especially the attic to basically keep an eye out for trouble makers. Birds and even larger animals can gain access into crawlspaces & attics. As a result this can cause concern and sometimes it is a real pain to get rid of them. Honeybee are always on the search here in Arizona for a new place to live. Honeybees often swarm in Spring and Fall since we have a somewhat higher temperature throughout the year. If you notice bees going into your home use extreme caution as they may be very dangerous. Once you have made them MAD, you can’t take it back. They can stay agitated for 8+ hours, they can sting dogs, neighbors and children.




Silverfish attic – book pests

Where do silverfish live? My books are being eaten by something, what could it be?

How many people do you think bring in boxes into the house during Christmas or other occasions without thinking about pests? That pest, mouse or squirrel may have been living in that box all winter until it found itself within your home and all heck breaks loose. The silverfish may be eating the paper, glue or any binding on a book it can find. That mouse or squirrel may have set up to give birth in that warm and comfy attic space away from all the hub bub. Check out Bob Vila’s Top 5 Spring Pest Proofing Tips.




All I can think about is “Christmas Vacation” where that squirrel jumps out of the Christmas tree. Boy wouldn’t that give you a start?




Liberty Wildlife and all the great things they do?

Dedicated to serving our wildlife friends:

Liberty Wildlife is committed to nurturing the nature of Arizona by providing quality wildlife rehabilitation, environmental education, and conservation services for the community.

Liberty Wildlife envision a time when wildlife is recognized as an integral part of our natural world, and a precious natural resource, to be protected and preserved.

They envision being a permanent community resource, a place to instill compassion and stewardship in young minds and a place to reconnect the public with the beauty and benefits of native wildlife and habitat.

They envision a time when the community as a whole participates in the safekeeping of the natural world.

To nurture the nature of Arizona through wildlife rehabilitation, natural history education and conservation services to the community.

How can you help – Liberty donate please to a great cause


Liberty Wildlife 20160502_083549

Liberty Wildlife

Liberty 20160502_083557


Max Bessler with an Bald Eagle

DIY home repairs , do it right…

DIY home repairs –

In DIY home repairs – don’t use chicken wire, spend the time and do it right with hardware cloth. Or better yet give ProBest Pest Management a call and have us do the the job correctly. The nice thing about hardware cloth is that it can be bent into angles which looks 100% better than chicken wire.  Also I suggest the metal bird spikes, the plastic fades and weathers. Just a few tips to point you in the right direction.

Also just think about the height of the job, should you really be up there? I don’t do roofs… anymore.

DIY home repairs20151118_085929


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