All posts in “pigeons”

Important reminders – HOT, HOT and HOTTER

Well its pretty much hot everywhere in the U.S. so I found this the other day and thought I would pass it along. It doesn’t take long at all to go from Hot to really Hot. With temperatures across the county at some of  highest on record, this list really explains the reason why you should never leave children or pets in a car. This goes for leaving the car running as well, things happens and what if the vehicle stopped even for a few minutes.

I’m amazed that critters like mice, rodents or pigeons can survive in attics but they do. So please check your roof lines for holes or crack where critters can get in. Check for bees and seal those holes before they get in. What’s that quote  – “An ounce of prevention is worth is worth a pound of cure. ” Benjamin Franklin

Have you ever had one of those days?

Have you ever had one of those days, when you think the world may be against you?

Yes all of us probably run into this weekly, maybe daily. We can handle it primarily because of faith, faith maybe in a few different things like 1. Faith in God 2. Faith that it just happens 3. Faith that it probably can’t get much worse, but anyway you get my drift here. I don’t want to go on about the economy or the government, or preach about the existence of God but you know stuff just happens.

So here are a few tips to stop that stuff from happening – especially the bug or bird kind of stuff.

  • More cases of Bed Bugs are happening right now because we are traveling for the summer, so take precautions.
  • Get a termite inspection yearly, it can’t hurt – it’s not like a colonoscopy (I just had to throw that in) it’s nothing like that….
  • Don’t put firewood against your home, don’t allow rocks to be higher than the stucco.
  • Clean up those oranges and grapefruits that fall on the ground, better yet give them to the food bank.
  • Clutter in and around your home can lead to pest infestations.
  • Don’t let tree limbs touch the house.

When in doubt seek out a trained professional for advice – the National Pest Management Association has a great website for consumers.

Professional Speaker – Pest Control Expert

Professional Speaker – Pest Expert

Does your organization need a Professional Expert to talk before your group, our resident expert Dr. Bug aka Keith V. Birkemeyer is an expert on bugs and critters of all kinds! ProBest can tailor a pest program or service on whatever your group may desire.

Bed Bugs



Southwest Pests of Concern         

Wildlife of Arizona             

One problem can lead to another, sometimes more frightening..

One problem can lead to another, sometimes more frightening..

I really get concerned when I see pigeons, birds nesting on someone’s roof and I get worried when it happens to be rodents in someone’s attic. Remember this home seal from a few years ago “Pigeons and their Mess!” and “It’s not always what you think! Ceiling stain.”

Here is a story and video from Albuquerque about a very similar problem – secondary infestation from bird mites and carpet beetles. “Pigeon problem leads to bug infestation at Albuquerque apartment” by Chris Ramirez KOB Eyewitness News 4.

Don’t lower the value of your home with shoddy work!

Don’t lower the value of your home with shoddy work!

Take the time to either use the proper equipment or hire a Pest Management Professional. If you don’t like heights then I suggest a Professional such as ProBest Pest Management. We use hardware cloth and when finished looks professional. Chicken wire looks like it was pushed up and throw in place, remember someone will look at this and think it took you minutes and you may lose the sale.

Remember make it look Professional!

Feeding Pigeons, Feral Cats.

Feeding Pigeons and Feral Cats.

Often times we as humans don’t easily recognize how we influence conditions around our homes and businesses. We feed the wildlife and they in fact may suffer from our lack of knowledge or in thinking that we know better than everyone else.  Quick story – chipmunks or squirrels at a famous attraction, someone feeds the squirrels get bitten and now it’s the squirrels fault. they had to take away the wildlife because someone was feeding thew wildlife. Same story as Yellowstone National Park, a parent holds a child up over the head of a wild bison. You never know when that bison will decide he doesn’t like you and who suffers then – the child.

Feral Cats and the threat to wildlife…

Feeding Pigeons, Feral Cats

Feeding Pigeons, Feral Cats

Pigeons and their mess…

Pigeons and their mess…

Pigeons can cause quite a mess and yet some people love and feed these pests! I have written post here before and a few people have given me their opinion and frankly I like birds. I would prefer that they do their nature thing but man has created the opportunity for many animals and pests to adapt to us. It’s really not the fault of the animal it’s just doing what it does, it needs food, shelter and water just like us. But what do you really know about them? Here are a few tidbits of information.

  • Pigeons are generational – that means that when born on your roof they will continue to come back there forever, unless permanently moved.
  • In nature they eat seeds, but will adapt to whatever we feed them.
  • Some people raise pigeons like Mike Tyson and HRH Queen Elizabeth.
  • They have a significant place in history, including Noah’s Ark, air mail service and as Passenger Pigeons.
  • There are a number of diseases associated with pigeon droppings including  Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis, and Psittacosis.
  • Birds foul many buildings, statues and homes with their feces.

About the only way to remove them from your home is to exclude them, use hardware cloth and I would suggest not feeding them. Let them find food on their own and maybe they might move on.






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