All posts in “post tension slabs”

Post Tension

Post Tension

Post Tension

Post Tension slabs are the way to go if you want to avoid cracks and settling of your home. Its also conducive to preventing termite activity as there are generally only the outside foundation to worry about. These slabs are often used in bridges, elevated slabs, walls, and columns. Usually you will see rebar which helps to strengthen the concrete. More and more homes are being built with this feature.

Of course there are always exceptions to every situation, sometimes the cable dislodges or breaks. I don’t see it very often but termites can get through the pipes entry points but generally speaking the cables should pull the concrete tighter.

Arizona has a moderate to heavy activity of termites, generally due to warm weather and this year rain. I always recommend getting a termite inspection every few years and especially if you are buying a home. Don’t take the word of anyone unless they are a licensed termite company. Some realtors and home inspectors will tell you don’t worry but use caution when you’re spending a lot of money. They always say that your home is the biggest investment you will ever make, be wise and hire a Termite Professional. Call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176


Are your plants too close too your home?



Plants that are planted too close too your home create issues down the road, what are those issues you ask?

  • Roots may damage or cause problems to the foundation.
  • Watering those plants may cause additional problems with any wood siding or the foundation.
  • Plants may cause issues with the termite treatment.
  • Termite treatments may not be done correctly with plants in the way.
  • If it is a tree, bush or cactus it will grow and possibly damage the home or overhang.

Floating slab pics



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It is essential for a termite treater to understand and know what slab they are treating. Floating slabs are concrete slabs with a deepened and reinforced perimeter. This type of foundation is called a floating slab because it floats on the soil. They are used as foundations for home, businesses, sheds, car garages, additions etc.

Post tension slabs give the best protection from my point of view, cables are run throughout concrete and tightened up. Concrete is less likely to crack and allow termites to enter.

Termites are plentiful here in Arizona…


Always be on the lookout for something that looks like these pictures, termites build these tubes to protect themselves and to gain entry into your home.

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Subterranean termites live in the ground and these mud tubes are often visible on your foundation. So if your checking your home and see something like this, it is time to call a Pest Management Professional.

Post Tension Slabs…

Post Tension Slabs…



Post tension slabs are the way to go if you are trying to prevent termites from getting into your home. Its not always the absolute but with those cables tightened up, it should be better at preventing them from getting into the home – at least from the inside. Nothing will stop the termites from getting in from the outside of the foundation, except termiticides.

The picture below is from the front portion of the garage and honestly I don’t have any idea how they got there. The bad part of this termite activity are those cabinets which block the view of entry for those termites.

Before you replace the floor, treat for termites.

Before you replace the floor, treat for termites.  (Yesterdays answer on picture – magnified picture of wasp nest….)

So you decide its time to replace that old flooring in your home and as you take up the old floor you discover damage and concrete cracks. Now is the time to call your termite experts because and trust me on this one you don’t want to put down the floor and then discover you need it treated. This will destroy or at the very least make the new flooring look terrible. Here is some damage from termites and some water damage, I don’t know which came first but my guess is the termites.


Nothing worse in my mind than having to drill grout lines in stone tile, because no matter how good you are it will never look as good as new. So please take a moment and think it through, treat the concrete and then lay the new floor. It will save you money in the long run and more importantly the aggravation of knowing where those drill holes are. Because your mind will focus on those marks, trust me.

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