All posts in “ProBest Pest Management”

Termite failures

Termite failures on structures

What kind of issues cause failures?

Failures include:

  1. Planters next to the foundation.
  2. Stucco below grade of slab.
  3. Any wood to soil.
  4. Tree roots or stumps within the area of foundation.
  5. Improper pretreat to slab.
  6. Buried construction material below slab.
  7. To much water against the slab, drip irrigation and flood irrigation.
  8. After the slab is poured, the bath-trap is disturbed.
  9. People walking on pretreat material before the slab is poured.
  10. Digging up the post treatment, and then forgetting to notify the Termite company.


There are many items that can cause problems when thinking about a structure break and thinking outside the box is helpful. So let’s imagine that you are having issues near a kitchen in the ceiling – the first step is checking outside. See if there are any mud tubes. Then examine inside, blocked by cabinets – its probably coming up within the inside of the foundation. Angle drilling may be necessary. I think it is like detective work, examining the clues and coming up with the treatment options. So good luck and keep at it and you will figure it out.

The U.S. Constitution

The U.S. Constitution

The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I don’t usually post rants but this is one of my exceptions.  I believe this document to be almost perfect, and needs to be interpreted as is. This piece of paper gives us our rights and I know many disagree on amendments etc, but I’m a purist at heart.

This piece of paper gives ProBest Pest Management the right to be in business and free to post a blog good or bad. Now I will disagree on what some companies decide to say publicly, I refuse to get into that set but it is their right. I just won’t do it, won’t post negative politically religious themes. I want everyone to get along, buy pest services from me and don’t care if I’m whatever.

BY the way did you know Silverfish and Cockroaches love paper and glue, rodents as well. So if you store stuff in the attic be careful about those things, I’ve also seen them eat photos and scrapbooks. So store in a plastic container somewhere where it is cooler without moisture. If you have numerous books in a den keep an eye out for silverfish, they can do a lot of damage before you even have a chance to see it.

The U.S. Constitution

ProBest name change

ProBest name change

ProBest name change. So I’m sure everyone has heard about this certain company that recently told everyone they were changing their name. It was all a publicity stunt to grab attention to their name and the fact that they more than pancakes. It was a great idea and we all know that they have burgers now. Names can tell what the company does and its even important in our line of work. So with that in mind:

Interstate House of Pests or Interstate House of Bugs —- names changed to prevent me from being sued? So what do you think? “I don’t care what you call me, as long as you call me” 480-831-9328 — ProBest name change —

ProBest name change

Remember we handle a plethora of bugs and pests, scorpions, ants, bees, rodents and termites and a lot more. We LOVE helping people and businesses and we offer value and we are accredited with the BBB. We are also a QualityPro company since 2005, earned by less than 3% of companies in the United States, the QualityPro designation demonstrates a commitment to excellence and provides consumers with an easy way to identify and be confident in their selection of a quality pest management provider from the National Pest Management Association.

I’m just kidding and I like the name ProBest Pest Management, so no name change but spread the word…

Desert Shrew

Desert Shrew

Desert Shrew – this little guy eats invertebrates such as worms, spiders and insects, but it also eats lizards, birds and small mammals such as mice. They hunt at night, restricting themselves to areas with thick brush to avoid owls and other predators. They rest in the burrow of another animal during daylight hours. In the hottest part of the day (Arizona 120), the shrews enter a torpor – an inactive state similar to hibernation and so would I. They prowl and search for their prey at night, so it often falls victim to nocturnal hunters such as owls and snakes.

Desert Shrew

It’s all about the you being the Handyman of your HOME

Are you the Handyman? How do the bugs get in?

Who is the handyman? Your home is your castle. The premise of todays pest control or management is to prevent the bugs from getting in. IPM is the Gold Standard of that service and we have talked about it a lot. Seal them out, no its not going to keep everything out but it will help. Exclude those holes, seal the jtrim, check the screens, repair the windows and employ a reputable consistent Pest Company like ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328.

Homes and businesses require constant upkeep, doors needs flashing, garage doors have trim that may need repair. That roof might need checking from time to time. The pool may need a check by a pool service, you don’t need mosquitoes biting your toes. Termites can be sneaky, so get an inspection at least every few years depending on your



Thank you

Thank you to all our customers!

Thanks, gracias, merci, much obliged and danke. Sometimes I think we as just human beings forget the most important part of interacting. Just the simple Thank You. We are all busy, ProBest taking care of the bugs and you either working or keeping the house.

We do all kinds of work, from ants to weeds. So if you have a pocket gopher issue or you have a swarm of honeybees we are just one phone call away 480-831-9328

Here a bug joke for you today.

What’s more amazing than a talking dog? A spelling Bee.

Thank you


Stung by a bee or ant?

Stung lately? Bee or ant stings are quite painful and I’ll tell you they can hurt. Bee stings can continue to pump venom into the area so it’s very important to remove the stinger quickly. Also important is not to squeeze the venom sac, this could put more venom into your skin.

I recently ran into a product called Stop Ease, it greatly helps to alleviate the pain. Here is some info from the Mayo Clinic on stings. As always check your property monthly, when hiking make sure you are familiar with exit routes. As always BEE careful.


American Legion Family

What is the American Legion Family?

American Legion Family –  not bug related but a worthwhile organization that you might qualify to join and volunteer your time.

The American Legion was chartered & incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization. Committed to mentoring youth & sponsorship of wholesome programs. In their communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, & continued devotion to their fellow service members & veterans.
The American Legion’s success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives. I belong to Post/ Squadron 107 on Cave Creek Road, Phoenix, AZ 85024. Why don’t you check us out sometime. We do charity work and sponsor a Cub Scout Pack and help a Boy Scout Troop and we would love to see you contribute your skills in helping.  

You may qualify as a Legionnaire, Son or Auxiliary member

American Legion Family

Entry points

Entry points

This entry point – I couldn’t see this opening really well, but was sure something could gain entry. Could it be a bird or a rodent? This opening in the attic is important to annual checks. I would be concerned just looking at it but still needs to be sealed tighter to not allow unwanted guest. At least the door was closed but what if it was open, who would check and who might be able to close or lock it?

My opinion is that this is a perfect opportunity for rodent activity. The minute that mice or rats get into this space opens the chance for bacteria, urine and feces to become part of this home or business. Mice urinate while on the run and feces may be spread throughout the space.

Annual checks is what I’m saying, top on my list.


Corner checks for termites

Foundation corner may contain surprises

Corner and indents may hide termite activity and the jtrim may also have huge openings. It is important to check your slab and house at least monthly for unwanted pests activity. This may help to avert any potential long lasting problems. If you don’t check often you might allow a bee colony to take over. That can bee a sticky problem down the road.

I find that most people stack stuff against garage walls and this allows a termite issue to go on a very long time. For some reason I think the garage is the most overlooked and usually the last to be treated by termite companies. Don’t place wood or cellulose items on the garage expansion joint. I’ve found books, posters and antiques full of termite activity and ruined forever.


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