All posts in “rodent control”

Yikes, how did that get in there?


Rats and mice nomally can squeeze through small opening (mice – dime and rats – quarter), I think this guy just had a bad day. I suppose it ate some bait or got bit by something, cause it looks like it has some room to wiggle. Just a caution on mice/rats, rodents in general they have teeth and aren’t afraid to use them. They will gnaw on electrical wiring around pool pumps, car engines and equipment of all sorts. By the way this also goes for rabbits, they will also go after wiring. So what precautions can you take:

  1. Check you home monthly for signs of pests, I know I say it often but eventually you might listen to my advice.
  2. Check for holes or loose screening, including those weep holes at the roofline.
  3. If you see bees flying in and out, check it out but use caution.
  4. Don’t stack firewood against the house.
  5. Don’t let trees or bushes touch the house, super highway for rodents and ants.
  6. Have a Professional Termite company do an inspection for termites.

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Today is April Fools Day, so in honor of those mischievous ones among us….

Bed Bugs can fly! Nope, wrong they cannot fly, period!

Mice love cheese! As for mice and cheese, to start off, mice have really sensitive noses, so Limburger would peel their little mousey faces off. Figuratively speaking. And then a recent study that we hope was funded by a grant to investigate cartoon myths found that mice respond to the taste, smell and texture of food, and will decline something as strong-smelling and highly flavored as cheese. They’re actually drawn to foods with relatively high sugar content, such as grains and fruit.

Daddy longlegs “spiders” are extremely poisonous. False. First, grand daddy longlegs are not spiders. They are related to them, but they are not true spiders. Grand daddy longlegs are more correctly called harvestmen.  True spiders are hunters and have venom. Harvestmen are scavengers and do not have venom. So, unless you are a very tiny insect or some type of organic goo, you have nothing to fear from the harvestman lurking by your garage door.

Lice is the result of poor hygiene. False One of the oldest beliefs is that head lice prefer “dirty kids.” It’s simply not true. Head lice actually prefer clean hair to dirty hair. What they are attracted to is blood.

The custom of playing tricks on friends on April 1st is believed to have originated in France in the middle 1500s.



Ever wonder about Chili peppers and pest control?

chilipeppers       Ever wonder about Chile peppers and pest control?

I remember many years ago when my Grandparents had a garden and occasionally rabbits would venture in and eat the new stalks of green. We put up some chicken wire and that stopped the intruders from getting in, but what about the new repellents with chili peppers or those that contain capsaicin? For thousands of years Asian cultures have used chili pepper products to repel all kinds of pests. One thing for sure is that you must be extremely careful using a product like this.

One of the products that we use is PiGNX and a similar product called DeTour for rodents, the reasons that I like this product include:

  • The product won’t freeze or melt, the freeze thing isn’t a problem in AZ but melting is. There are times in the summer that I think I’m melting from the heat.
  • This product is a contact repellent – animals in contact may take it back to their nest transferring it to others.
  • Food grade product.

In the case of pigeons, you place this product in areas where they tend to land and hang out. They get the product on their feet and they hate it, sqawking and letting every other bird aware of the product – they don’t come back…

Rodents coming into contact believe that the building in on fire due to the heat from the product and will do whatever it takes to get out of the structure.

New technology for pest control…..

Hey! Did you know this about rodents?

Hey! Did you know this about rodents?



deermouse    A family of 6 mice in a cluttered garage can grow to 50-60 mice in only 90 days.

deermouse    A Norway rat can gnaw through a lead pipe.

deermouse    Roof Rats have extra pads and longer digits on their paws, enabling roof rats to be excellent climbers.


Information provided by Bell Labs – a world leader in rodent control technology.

OK I have a great idea, NYC rat problem = Thailand

OK I have a great idea, NYC rat problem = Thailand

We all have heard about the issues in NYC and the giant rat or the mega number of rats, what if a young entrepreneur started trapping rodents and sent the meat to Thailand. “Demand For rat meat in Thailand Exceeding Supply of Rodents” from OutdoorLife  Gayne C. Young. Hey I’m just saying!

This would be a Win, Win for everybody – it would diminish the number of rodents in NYC and supply food for people in Thailand who apparently like this stuff.  This rodent meat is going for $3 a pound.

I decided not to show the picture – :mrgreen:

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