All posts in “termite control”

Termites are different in Arizona.

The termites in Arizona act a bit different than the East Coast relatives, typically the Eastern Subterranean termites do damage without becoming visible. With that being said, nothing is certain and always simple, termites are termites and will often do what they want to do, not according to the book. The damage eventually becomes noticeable and then that is where it becomes a horror story.  The Western Subterranean termites will make mud tubes over the foundation or make little tubes in the drywood or make little exit type holes. The Eastern Sub’s  will make exit holes but in relation to swarming.

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The Western Sub’s also make down tubes quite often, as the picture below shows. I have actually seen tubes over 5 foot long stretching almost back to the garage floor.



If you find signs, just call a Pest Management Professional and do some checking with the BBB or a referral  from a friend (Kudzu).

Yikes, how did that get in there?


Rats and mice nomally can squeeze through small opening (mice – dime and rats – quarter), I think this guy just had a bad day. I suppose it ate some bait or got bit by something, cause it looks like it has some room to wiggle. Just a caution on mice/rats, rodents in general they have teeth and aren’t afraid to use them. They will gnaw on electrical wiring around pool pumps, car engines and equipment of all sorts. By the way this also goes for rabbits, they will also go after wiring. So what precautions can you take:

  1. Check you home monthly for signs of pests, I know I say it often but eventually you might listen to my advice.
  2. Check for holes or loose screening, including those weep holes at the roofline.
  3. If you see bees flying in and out, check it out but use caution.
  4. Don’t stack firewood against the house.
  5. Don’t let trees or bushes touch the house, super highway for rodents and ants.
  6. Have a Professional Termite company do an inspection for termites.

Rainy season brings the termites, are you ready?


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When your home was built the contractor probably was required to pretreat the soil before pouring the concrete slab. By AZ law a final grade was to be performed within a certain period, if you look in the electrical box you may find the two required stickers. One should be the original pretreat and the second is the final grade. Now that’s if they haven’t fallen off or are not legible. You can also visit the Office of Pest Management site at – they started keeping track in 1990 I think.

Back in the day termiticides like Chlordane could last for 50 years, but in my opinion today I think it is closer to 15 years. Especially when placed under concrete without things that would break down the chemical. The outside of the home or that final grade is another completely different story. If nothing messes it up it might last 7 years but that doesn’t happen very often. Water, rodents, sun and the heat, people installing pipes or wires often disrupt that barrier. It is my opinion that you shouldn’t plant anything under the eaves of the roof line, roots and water may affect the home and you don’t need anything else to worry about.

So keep checking your foundation, clear away rocks or soil from the stucco area – you need to be able to see that foundation. Don’t stack firewood against the home or for that matter any other debris. As always if you need an inspection give ProBest Pest Management a call at 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176.

Freaky nature show in New Orleans

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I have spent many days and many hours in New Orleans, LA working on and studing termites. Termite swarms occur at different times of the day generally on the east coast of the U.S. Subterranean termites generally swarm in eary afternoon, drywood termites usually in late afternoon and Formosan termites in the evening. As an avid bug guy, I have to say that I love swarms. Whether its a Harvestor ant swarm or honeybees, I love them all. It is kind of funny, but many years ago when some of the termite baits came to the market and then Termidor came – many people thought that the termites would just go away. Never happened and probably never will. As great as those products are – the bugs continue to win.

Termite Warranty or Guarantee…

Termite Warranty or Guarantee… to renew or not to renew?

You just had termite work done at your home and it cost X amount of dollars, they also mentioned that you could renew the policy in a year. Well that year has gone by and you can’t make up your mind, what to do? Do you renew or take the chance?

Well here is my opinion – if you live in the south I would probably renew it. Where there is water and the temperature is warm most of the year there are going to be active termites and bugs. I also believe that it isn’t always so easy to remind ourselves to look for and keep up with things around our homes. Yes its easy to say I’ll remember, or my husband or wife will take care of it. But more often than I can count someone will come into our office and say – just take care of it, we can’t remember or it just escapes our attention.

So wouldn’t it be easy enough to just let ProBest Pest Management handle it for you? Do you have a warranty from someone that just doesn’t care about service? Do you have issues with talking to the right person at the termite company or have you lost confidence with them? Then make that call or send us a contact or call us 480-831-9328.

Call a Pro… Call the Best. ProBest!

Feedback by clients or customers!

Feedback by clients or customers!


I was recently asked by my Chemical Distributor (Univar) for my opinion, they actually flew me to Dallas, TX and conducted a feedback session for two days for input related to my experiences with their company –  field and inside sales department. I participated with 16 other members from across the US and I must tell you it was an informative and eye opening experience. I must hand it to management – this was a great idea and I hope enlightening for them as well. We talked about expectations of online services, field and inside sales and how they could make the experience easier and better for us.

So this got me to thinking about how ProBest Pest Management can seek out those experiences from our customers. We do gage some of our work from review sites like and and Manta right on our home seal site. You can always send us an email ProBest Pest Management – contact us. Did you know that we have a VIP page just for our loyal customers?

I love this quote…

Everything will be alright in the end, and if not – its not the end.

I’m telling you I absolutely love my job! Yes there are trials and tribulations as in any business but to me everyday is different from the one before. No boredom at all and everyday I get to meet new and exciting people.

Now I will admit my writing abilities are not the greatest, but the one thing I’m actually really great at is bugs. So for no other reason than that you should choose ProBest Pest Management to be your bug expert.

PestTube! What is this thing

PestTube! What is this thing.

Pestubes-In-The-Wallis a proactive, centralized pest control system designed to deliver a mild residual pesticide inside the walls of your home where bugs live and breed.

Pestubes-In-The-Walleliminates 90% of the need to spray within in your home’s living area by equipping your new home with a fundamental barrier against pests. Pestubes-In-The-Wall is a reliable, modern approach to pest control that can help keep your family and home free of harsh pesticides.

The innovative Pestubes-In-The-Wallsystem, shown below, incorporates a network of precision perforated tubes built into your home’s framing, which are linked to a pesticide injection port located on the home’s exterior.

OK for my take, I have investigated numerous versions of this device both under concrete and in walls. The version under concrete which I have seen in action was more of a pvc pipe versus tubing (TermGuard) and I really liked the ability and adaptability of this product. The only issue is pricing and with the advent of repellent termiticides such as Termidor or Transport I just don’t see this catching on.The stuff in the walls I’m not sold on, I think the tubing kinks to often and this prevents the products from being delivered to the area in question. The other problem is the product used whether dust or liquid often blocks the tubing and now we have to address the propellent. This propellent needs to ensure that the product is pushed to where it is needed and unfortunately I just haven’t seen anything that really gets the product to the end source.

BBB Celebrates 100 years of Trust!

Better Business Bureau Celebrates 100 years of Trust!

1912 BBB is founded under the name of Minneapolis Ad Club’s Vigilance Committee

1916 The name Better Business Bureau adopted – thank goodness because that other name is to tough to say.

Congrats to Andon! 5 years with ProBest Pest Management

Congrats to Andon! 5 years with ProBest Pest Management


Andon is the thinker and innovator of the office (always thinking about his work and how he can improve it). He is also the prankster and the trouble maker, hiding toy rats and bugs for everyone to find. But we enjoy his work and attitude. Glad to have you here Andon!!!!!



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