All posts in “termite”

Pest Control Maricopa

Pest Control Maricopa

Pest Control Maricopa and a few extra area, including Apache Junction, Gold Canyon, Gila Bend, Florence and Coolidge. We cover the entire Valley and sometimes depending on the issues the outskirts. The great thing about us, is that we handle downtown to rural. From Bees to Termites and of course everything in between like snakes and wildlife.

We just don’t kill things, we can often times figure out how they are getting in. The key to pest control is IPM and you hear me saying that daily. If you fix the problem outside before they enter the home, this often times cleans up the problem. Caulking and home sealing is essential in keeping out rodents and pests. Pest Control Maricopa County and all the towns, cities, villages and non-incorporated areas, are covered by our pest and termite services. Since 1981 we have worked hard to be the Professional you need to care for your home and family.

Maricopa County is the largest country in Arizona founded in 1918 and recently celebrated our 100th in 2018. Interesting to note there are approximately 4.5 million people as of 2019. So from 2000 there were 3,072,149 people, 2010 there were 3,817,117 people. That is over 1.4 million in 20 years, some pretty good growth and lots of opportunities in new endeavors and work. We do occasionally have issues with wildlife, moving into areas that previously they were not in. But as we do more construction we move them around.

So if you’re in need of any type of pest control service please check us out at 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176 ProBest Pest Management – Pest, Termite, Rodents and Weeds


$1000 phone

$1000 phone


You know what gets my goat? The pricing ($1000 phone) of the newest technology and the pricing of termite work. People are willing to spend $1000 but are shocked by the cost of termite work. There was a report in Florida that compared pricing in 1937 compared to today. A treatment in 1930 cost something like $327 would compare to over $1500 today. Everyday I battle the low price companies, and you get what you pay for. I guess there are companies willing to do it cheap, but we do quality work and stand behind it. We have always tried to do the right thing, it helps me sleep at night.

So think about this when you compare 4-5 hours of work, usually 2 people trenching and applying termiticide. Are you willing to gamble your single biggest investment to a cheap price? Is it going to be done according to Label? What chemical and % is to be used. Are they doing a complete exterior? Is there a warranty and have you checked their reviews (don’t trust them all, but compare and see what they did to fix it)? $1000 phone or technology?

$1000 phone


BMP – Best Management Practices

BMP – Best Management Practices

Pest Control, Termite or Weed treatment

BMP’s or Best Management Practices.

NPMA or the National Pest Management Association sets the standard for these practices.

  1. Always deal with a qualified and licensed company.
  2. Evaluate pest companies especially those members of NPMA and State AZPPO (Arizona Pest Professional Organization).
  3. Experience.
  4. Consider QualityPro companies.
  5. Ask friends, family and neighbors.
  6. Get bids.
  7. Don’t rush your decision, seek out family and other people who may have dealt with this issue.
  8. Understand any paperwork.
  9. Do they have current liability insurance.
  10. Examine and understand the guarantee.
  11. Buy VALUE not PRICE.
  12. You can call and seek opinions from AZ Office of Pest Management


These of course are suggestions and you can add additional items relative to your issues. It is always wise to consider input from friends, families and neighbors. Don’t always trust stuff you find on the internet – half the time that stuff is just false or fake news. I think the biggest issue with me is price versus value, price can reflect low cost chemical, shoddy work and improper methods of treatment. Check with the Better Business Bureau, many companies are accredited through them – such as ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328.

You may also contact us if you have questions on identification, harborage areas and what they may feed on. Send a photo to [email protected]

We here at ProBest want to help you make a great informed decision. Please feel free to contact us.


Fake News

Fake News

Boy oh boy, nobody can win these days especially with all that FAKE NEWS out there. So I wanted to clear the air about pest control or termite control.


Let’s start with Pest Control. Do you know what my biggest liability is, its not the pesticide its driving to the appointment. Everyone is complaining about the low wages, so what did we do? We raised the minimum wage to $10.50 – Let’s think about this for a minute – that means that the business must make more than that per hour to make money. The business must also take into account all those things that they must pay for (insurance, workman’s comp, vehicle if needed and then auto insurance, chemical, additional employees like schedulers etc and according to a NPMA survey that is about 32.8%) I recently saw a poster on a pole out in Surprise for pest control for $25 – NOBODY MAKES MONEY ON THIS!

How long do you think a person can spend at this account? How long will they be in business. Are they even using chemical/pesticide? Are they insured, (liability, workman’s comp and auto insurance) probably not? If you hire an unlicensed person and they mess up, who will pay for their mistake?


Termite control – I recently saw an advertisement for $275 – I also remember an article from Florida that suggested termite treatments should be the range of $1000 to $1500 based on the cost in 1930 something. What do you really get for $275?

Termidor HE Label – “Structural termite protection is achieved by establishing a continuous treated zone along the exterior foundation of the structure.” When I read this and interpret it, to me it says there must be a complete barrier around the structure. So either the garage must be drilled or across the garage door must be drilled  and what about patio’s?  In my book either the patio is drilled or the outside of the patio is trenched. Now to achieve the label how can you sell it for $275? YOU CAN’T! Again you get what you pay for….

So why is this FAKE NEWS – because I don’t think you are getting the right deal for what you pay. Someone isn’t giving you the right pesticide, all the pesticide you are supposed to get and all the areas the label requires. Now I used the Termidor HE label, but check out the offer and see what they are supposed to give you and then compare the options.

Trivia fact – Termites have been reclassified into the same order as cockroaches, they are more closely to roaches than ants. Did you know that?

Fake News

Termite – you never know how they get in

Oh the dreaded Termite –

Termite or not? So if you spot something funny looking, just unusual for your house – maybe it’s time for ProBest Pest Management to come to the rescue. Maybe you have seen dirt or sand on the sofa and wonder what could that be? Or a spot on the wall and when you scrape it away it comes back. Call us at 480-831-9328 or check out our website at
24/7/365 termite activity. you have to keep an eye out if you want to catch these gals at work?  I can spot these tubes from the street but if you don’t so it everyday you may miss them. So I think it is a good thing to have a Pest Management Professional make a plan to inspect your home. In the South I recommend yearly or maybe every other year, but please have the house checked. They may spot a leak or wood damage and should bring it to your attention. Sometimes they follow a path made by humans and sometimes they don’t, just randomly foraging for food – your HOME.

Remember call a Professional especially QualityPro certified by the National Pest Management Association. “The Mark of Excellence in Pest Management”.

termite     termite     termite

Are those Subterranean termites at it again?

Subterranean termites

Subterranean termites

Well it’s another sign of Subterranean termites in your home. Did you know? Termites are social insects. Termite colonies can have up to 2 million but in Arizona it’s probably closer to 100,000 I think it’s due to the lack of water. They eat all kinds of wood and anything that contains wood cellulose. Subterranean termites work 24/7/365 and if your house is on the menu they will do everything they can to get in. The picture above is a termite tube coming from the attic above, we found the termites gaining entry outside between the brick and treated them with Termidor HE and no more termites inside. The key to a successful termite treatment is finding them and treating the soil. Some companies foam or use a dry product, now don’t get me wrong sometimes you have to do what you have to do but protecting and treating the soil is always the right move. In my opinion treating the soil is always the best move and treating with a superior product like Termidor is also a plus. Protect your home with the best – Termidor.

A few tips to keep them away:

  1. Keep stone or soil away from stucco on house.
  2. Make sure water including drip and flood irrigation drains away from the home.
  3. Stack wood away from house.
  4. Keep bushes trimmed and away from hose.
  5. Check you home monthly for new critters.
Subterranean termites Termidor

Subterranean termites Termidor


The Dreaded Termite – the House Eater



5 billion in damages yearly throughout the U.S. with most of that damage occurring on the East Coast. The highest infestation of subterranean termites is really found in the Southeast, including Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi. Therefore the highest levels of damage probably occur in those states. Since we build houses right on top of termite colonies, we afford them the options to go straight into our homes. Then to make matters worse we use wood to build those homes and businesses. So what can you do to prevent termites?

  • Don’t allow wood to ground.
  • Don’t overwater, and don’t allow wood to get wet.
  • Keep an eye on areas of penetration of concrete slab, such as bath-traps and plumbing.
  • If you see anything that appears to be dirt on wall in form of tubes call a Pest Management Professional, like ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328.

Trust of customers ProBest Pest Management

Trust is an important word in any business along with integrity.

  1. 93% of our business is from referrals, that speaks volumes on the integrity and trust of ProBest.
  2. In business since 1981.
  3. QualityPro – QualityPro Schools, Food Protection and GreenPro, since 2005.
  4. Rated A+ with the BBB.
  5. Termite and pest services to residential and commercial – one stop shopping options.
  6. Gold member of the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP)since 2010 – Gold membership is reserved for PESP’s outstanding environmental stewards. These members’ demonstrated commitment to pesticide risk reduction makes them models for other PESP members. Gold members may develop an IPM strategy, demonstrate significant and sustained progress in reducing pesticide risks, and independently measure the progress of their IPM implementation.
  7. On staff Associate Certified Entomologist

    Trust ACE

Termite artwork?

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This was behind the drywall or lathing material and looked like a cactus design. It was artistic but I rather think accidental by design. Have you ever seen anything like it?


Comments are welcome.

Is it worth the money to have a Termite Inspection done to purchase a home?


I’m always amazed when people are willing to spend $100,000s of their hard earned cash and not ask for opinions on the important stuff. I would always (by the way I have always had a Home Inspection and Termite Inspection) when I purchased a home. One in Florida and one in Arizona, I wouldn’t skip this important second set of eyes for nothing! Even though I have years of experience I still have some company give me their professional opinion.  We charge $57 cash day of inspection and $67 to go to escrow and honestly its not like its going to break the bank. But if there is an issue later I want someone that can answer some questions or give me insight into the problem. I have seen some realtors suggest that people not get inspections – are they going to answer those termite questions, and what happens if there are termites hidden?

If you look at a U.S. map, we have Heavy termite activity from Florida to Texas and North to South Carolina and Moderate to heavy from Texas throughout Arizona North to Nevada. Read what the National Pest Management Association has to say about termite inspections and what the says Arizona Department of Agriculture Office of Pest Management  (Consumer Resources and Termites). So please think about the money as an investment in your home.


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