All posts in “termites”

Termites are active now in Arizona


Termites are small, white, tan, or black insects depending on their caste that can cause destruction to wooden structures. I always suggest a termite inspection if you are purchasing a home or at least an inspection every few years just to be safe.


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After determining the infestation a treatment is necessary to keep them out, this is done by generally placing a termiticide into the soil next to or under the foundation. This is better done by a termite professional because it involves drilling and placing the termiticide under slabs of concrete. I often see termite tubes in garages and specifically in the area of the expansion joint (as noted by the first picture).

Call ProBest Pest Management for a inspection today and prevent damage or further damage. 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

Did you know that bugs have evolution on their side?

Today I was listening to NPR and Diane Rehm’s show on antibiotics “New efforts to curb the overuse of antibiotics in animals and people” and also ran into this article Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria on the Rise. It got me to thinking about how bugs have been around for a very long time probably older than 250 million years and their use of antibiotics. “Termites develop their own antibiotics”.

“Termites cause $40 billion in damage every year, worldwide, and researchers say the insects have developed an ingenious defense against pesticide: They make antibacterial nests out of their own poo.”

The article above goes into length about Formosan termites, located in Louisiana and surrounding areas with plenty of water. This abundance of water allows termites a greater chance to do damage and survive and puts the East Coast of the US in that very heavy chance of termites and damage. In Arizona this lack of water helps to keep the termites in check and limit extensive damage (I have seen some pretty bad damage but in general not often). This is the reason why Arizona is in that heavy infestation and also why the termite activity gains momentum during monsoon.






Talk buggy to me baby, why Bed Bugs might be resistant to pesticides?

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All the bugs are talking about it, and it turns out a lot of Entomologist/Scientists are talking as well. “How Bed Bugs shrug off pesticides and simple measures to deal with it.” I don’t care how much we complain but the EPA will never let certain pesticides come back, gone are DDT, Chlordane and all of its little partners. Once gone from their books and it’s never coming back, trust me on this one.

“Every living thing on Earth has a unique set of strategies to adapt to life-threatening situations in the environment,” said Fang Zhu, Ph.D., a leader of the research who spoke at the meeting.”The surprise discovery we never expected is that most of the genes responsible for pesticide resistance in the bedbug are active in its outer skin-like shell or cuticle. This is the unique adaption that has not been discovered in cockroaches, termites, ants or other insects.”

It is research like this that will continue to be the mainstay of pest control, using their bug weakness to fight them. The pest control industry can still use their super powers daily to combat these little blood suckers.

Home seals, are they worth the money?

Based on these pictures I would have to say – YES!


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If your dealing with scorpions or crickets, you can see how they get in. So what do you do about it, seal it. Or pay somebody else to do it, by the way do it in the winter when its cooler. We use clear caulking, it goes on white and dries clear. It is very difficult because you are only working in an area of maybe 4 inches, don’t seal the round holes as they allow the house to breath and let water escape.


probestpestmanagementIMAG0751      probestpestmanagementIMAG0758 Even small Smith’s Black Headed Snakes might be able to get in….

What’s hiding under your bathtub!


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Its not always easy getting to a possible infestation from termites, but you have to do what you have to do. Sometimes there are breaks in the concrete where pipes come up. Finding the termites is esential to the cause and must be solved before leaving the job.  Never give up!

Bugs fear him and homeowner’s (OK maybe like him)

I saw these huge fly swatters the other day at a store and couldn’t help buying one, if your problem requires the use of something this BIG then you need to amke one call. That call would be to ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176.



There are some things you can do on your own, but take caution on termites, bed bugs and Africanized Honeybees.

Floating slab pics



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It is essential for a termite treater to understand and know what slab they are treating. Floating slabs are concrete slabs with a deepened and reinforced perimeter. This type of foundation is called a floating slab because it floats on the soil. They are used as foundations for home, businesses, sheds, car garages, additions etc.

Post tension slabs give the best protection from my point of view, cables are run throughout concrete and tightened up. Concrete is less likely to crack and allow termites to enter.

Termites are plentiful here in Arizona…


Always be on the lookout for something that looks like these pictures, termites build these tubes to protect themselves and to gain entry into your home.

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Subterranean termites live in the ground and these mud tubes are often visible on your foundation. So if your checking your home and see something like this, it is time to call a Pest Management Professional.

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Antarctica is the only continent without any reptiles or snakes.

A pound of grasshoppers is three times as nutritious as a pound of beef.

Anteaters prefer termites to ants.

A bat is the only mammal that flies.

Out of every 1,000 Mosquitoes, one female carries a disease that could be fatal to humans.


Why are termites swarming in Phoenix, AZ?

Termites swarm as a form of reproduction and they are showing up everywhere in the Phoenix area and beyond.

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This was what it looked like under almost every rodent bait station in South Phoenix yesterday. Termite swarmers (alates) break their wings off and then start to follow the opposite sex, ready to begin a new colony. The rain triggers the reproduction mode of ants, termites and other insects. Have you seen termites swarming at you home, if so now would be a great time for a termite inspection?

Rain = the beginnings of life…

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