All posts in “weeds”

Its weed season…


probestDSC06683  Russian Thistle

I’ll bet you didn’t know this is also called Tumbleweed, the stuff we occasionally see blowing by your car when its windy. Did you know that the reason it tumbles is to disperse its seeds? It also probably came to the U.S. in flax seed imported by Ukrainian farmers. Its almost iconic of the Southwest and often seen in movies blowing across the desert scenes like the beginning of the “Wizard of Oz”, if I remember correctly.

So if you are able to destroy it before it seeds, the better your landscape or that of your neighbors will be.

Do you have any Pest Control Tips?


I’m sure each one of my readers have heard from their Grandparents or friends one tip that will help in getting rid of pests. So lets challenge everyone to contribute one or two great little tips.

For example there is one going around the web, which states that if you put some type of leaf into your bedroom – Bed Bugs will get caught in the bean leaf tiny hooks on the leaves. But who wants bean leaves all around the house?

So lets have a little fun here and tell me your stories, maybe the best one (my choice) will get featured on an upcoming home seal story.



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Total Residential and Commercial Solutions.

Total Residential and Commercial Solutions.


ProBest Pest Management is a service company and our core of service is and always will be – Pest & Termite Control. Why is that important? Well for one thing, it’s what we are good at and it is our expertise. So what other services blend into our core?

Our Services include:(click on link to see more information)

As a service company we are at homes and businesses everyday, so why wouldn’t we get involved with carpet cleaning (we did because of Bed Bugs)? We are frequently on roofs so we decided to investigate Solar Attic Fans, attics are an area we are very familar with. Check out the various links above to see what we can do for you!

So what’s on your mind?

So what’s on your mind?

So I was thinking the other day that we should discuss a few Arizona Department of Agriculture – Office of Pest Management terms:

“Pest” means a vertebrate or invertebrate insect, bird, mammal, organism, or a weed or plant pathogen that is in an undesirable location. I bet you really didn’t think a weed was a pest, did you? I’m sure we have called a few people we might know – “a pest”? I’m equally convinced that all politicians are pests, the necessary evil.

“Pesticide,” as defined in A.R.S. § 32-2301, includes an insecticide, fungicide, rodenticide, termiticide, fumigant, larvacide, adulticide, herbicide, avicide, or molluscicide.

So just a few terms to get you thinking what pest control or pest management is all about.

We Can Do That……. ProBest Pest Management & Services.

YES, We Can Do That……. ProBest Pest Management & Services.


Our Services include:(click on link to see more information)

OOPS, somebody should be watching where they are walking!

OOPS, somebody should be watching where they are walking!

To late now but somebody applied a grass killer at a previous job and then walked on grass at another home, wasn’t us but you have to be careful!

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