All posts in “bugs”

Swarming Ants

Swarming Ants

Swarming Ants

Monsoon is the time for Swarming Ants, usually it triggers the reproductive cycle with the species. This occurs in many social insects, its a way of spreading their genes further from the original colony. I was down at the dog park and noticed the ants making their way up the grass blades to get a little height in their journey. This does occur with termites but it’s just rare to see it.

Honeybees do a similar thing, its just that they divide and leave. Ideally the farther away the better as this helps the gene pool to distribute the DNA away from the parent.

As I mention continuously, inspect your property is the key in keeping those pests at bay. If you spot them in this action, address it immediately  by calling a Professional. Show them where the nest is and let them treat. This prevents the possibility of them getting into your home or biting. The ants at the dog park were vicious biters, even my dog got bit and I had to administer some Benedryl for allergies.

Be careful as some ants will float to get away from flooding waters, and if you get into that mess it can really hurt. Call ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176 for quick action against these biters.

Attached are 2 videos on swarming ants, they were everywhere.



Centipede Arizona

Centipede Arizona


Centipede (Arizona) means “100 legs” – literally, but they don’t all have 100. You couldn’t fit that many legs on something that is not that big. Usually seen at night, nocturnal and the perfect time to be hunting their prey. Based on their size they might go after small bugs but we do have a even bigger Centipede Arizona here called the Giant Desert Centipede. They might go after lizards and rodents.The female is a great mother guarding her eggs until they hatch, guarding them by curling up her body around them.

What is it?

Is it a bug or is it a spider, technically neither but we tend to put them into a category. In Ohio we had some vicious House Centipedes and they could bite as well. These in Arizona tend to be classified as Occasional invaders as they come inside mainly by mistake. If you can tolerate the bug in your home, they will eat silverfish, roaches and other small insects. As always if you have concerns give us a call 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Wood beetles

Wood beetles

Wood beetles

Somewhere along the line, some wood beetles laid some eggs in this tree and the larva did some burrowing. In most cases only cosmetic damage is seen and there is no risk of secondary infestation within the home. I have seen some homes where it is a pleasing sight to have this in the wood, while others may not like the look. Ambrosia beetles create a staining within the wood and can look quite nice. Powderpost beetles are often associated with a re-infestation, I have seen art work brought back into the US with these potential issues. In one case we froze the Giraffe for approximately 2 weeks and that took care of the problem. This is a part of IPM or Integrated Pest Management.

What do you look for?

  • Before bringing back any wood into the US please check for issues. Most lumber is treated or inspected.
  • Damage to the wood.
  • Sometimes these bugs expel wood pellets similar to Drywood termites.
  • Any change to the appearance of the wood.
  • Any winged insects within the home, can be identified by a Pest Professional. Call ProBest Pest management 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176


Termite or???

Termite or???

Termite or???

Lookalikes similar to termites or earwigs in appearance – are they Termite or??? Nope they are web-spinners, small eyes, thread-like antenna and longish bodies. You often find them under rocks and stones in warmer climates. The females have no wings, and some males may have no wings either. The female feeds on plant material, and the males probably don’t eat and die soon after they mate when they might get eaten by the female.

They really do look like termites, so you really have to take a second look to identify correctly. Without a proper identification, you won’t know how to treat properly.

Blister Beetle

Blister Beetle

Blister Beetle

Danger Will Robinson Danger, Blister Beetle attack. Most of you know that warning message from the robot to the young Will. This beetle coloring similar to the Poison Dart frogs is that special warning, stay away from me I’m dangerous.

In Arizona we have several species of blister beetles, and some are black and they point their rear end at the aggressor, spraying a noxious spray to render the foe at bay.  Some stand out and some are colored, announcing their toxicity to would-be predators. Even brushing them off or accidentally squishing or crushing them on your skin can cause pain and blisters. Did you know that even dead they can pose an issue? Insects or predators eating them will be treated to a mouthful of pain, along with your pets.

While hiking stay alert:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings.
  • If you see anything suspicious use caution and if alerted stop and think..
  • Take care of pets as well.
  • If you encounter one and it lands on you, don’t swat. Pull it away or scrape it away with your hand.
  • Inform your children about the dangers of certain bugs, we have quite a few to worry about.
    • Rattlesnakes, critters that bite rodents, scorpions, Africanized Honeybees,and those Gila Monster Lizard things.
  • IPM is your friend.

Spring bugs

Spring bugs


What are Spring bugs? Do you contribute to your home pest issues? What are you looking for?


Spring is the time of year that bugs reproduce and can become more numerous. What if you have 2-foot-high weeds out back, this can cause sap sucking bugs to get out of control? Do you stack stuff against the house or shed, this allows the pest whether bug or rodent the chance to set up house? Do you have stone up to the stucco, this allows termites access without your knowledge? Is the grass next to the house, or vines? All these things contribute to pests having a chance to get into your home.

  1. I suggest monthly checks of the outside and interior to check screens, door seals and weep holes.
  2. Check outdoor buildings like sheds, storage, or fire grills.
  3. Check the garage.
  4. Check the attic.
  5. Always look up and down, and not a bad idea to check the roof. Be careful.
  6. We have seasons foe specific bugs, the fall monsoon = termites and rodents. Spring = honeybee swarms and small bugs trying to get inside.
Arizona Brown Spiders

Arizona Brown Spiders

Arizona Brown Spiders

So I’m sure everyone has heard of the Brown Recluse or Arizona Brown Spiders. If you look at maps Recluse live in a bell curve from Texas straight up through almost to Ohio, Illinois and Indiana. Check out the map from Entomology Today

As you see we do have a species that lives here in Arizona, called Arizonica, Genus Loxosceles. As with spiders in general, the more you know the more informed you will be. Wear gloves if working in sheds, garages and outside. Many people believe they are bitten and identify it as a spider bite. Here are some myths about Brown Recluse spiders:

  • The common name Brown Recluse spider belongs to ONE species residing in central Midwest. This info is from University of Riverside. I love this article, check out the bottom disclaimer.
  • Not all recluse spiders are brown, some are gray, dark brown or even whitish.
  • People think the spider is poisonous, while actually they are venomous.
  • Brown recluse will attack you, nope a myth – they tend to avoid people.
  • Spiders in general try to get into homes, I don’t think they have a clue. They are just looking to get out of the open, an closed door is just a barrier. So having door seals, closed screens and cracks sealed are all good exclusion techniques.


Nasty Restaurants

Nasty Restaurants

Nasty Restaurants

Nasty Restaurants and how do you tell how bad it might be? I usually run into the bathrooms, if it is nasty, generally speaking I’m out. If they can’t keep their bathrooms clean, then I’m positive their kitchen is a mess. I love those kitchens which are visible, if you can peak in that is a great thing.

Restaurants and cleaning:

  • Everyday someone should be cleaning.

  • Each day certain areas should be cleaned, areas not used daily should be rotated cleaned. 

  • There should be charts with duties and persons assigned.

  • Managers should check cleanliness daily. 

  • Degreasers and heavy duty equipment may be needed, and supplied so the staff can adequately perform their duties. 


I have been to a ton of restaurants and I have tuned down quite a few. I can’t do my job, if the grease is thick my product will never do the job. Now lets talk about cockroaches, German Cockroaches come in on the folds of food boxes. Once a stowaway enters the property there is almost a 0% chance of the owner/manager/staff fighting the situation. You need a Professional, because you need the right equipment and the right products with the knowledge. A single female roach can set in motion a infestation that can grow quickly. 






Wolf spiders are one of the fastest spiders, at least from my point of view. These arachnids have excellent eyesight and hunt down their prey. They don’t build webs and hunt alone. I have seen some about 2 inches, which is big enough for me. I’m not a BIG fan of spiders in general. These spiders are hairy and when their young are born they climb up on Mom’s back until old enough to fend for themselves. There are about 124 species of Wolf Spiders in the US and range in color from brown to black. They are venomous and usually use the venom to attack their prey, they can bite humans if they feel threatened and may react if squeezed or mishandled. So please wear gloves gardening and working in sheds and garages. Remember spiders eats lot of bugs and are considered good.

So what do you so to prevent running into them:

  • Keep the clutter down, interior and exterior.
  • All screens should be in place.
  • Keep doors sweeps in place, and closed.
  • If you store boxes in attics, open them outside or in garages.
  • Keep bushes, plants away from house.
  • Trees should not touch the house.
  • Cut down on lighting, but if you must have lights use yellow bulbs. This will keep the prey at bay.


Mosquitoes are back and can be a real pain in the bod. Not on my list of favorite bugs but I guess they have a purpose. Not exactly sure what it might be but everything in its place. Annoying but they kill about 1 million people per year. Screens probably reduce the numbers to houses more than any other device.  How about a few facts:

  1. Only the females bite. OK they suck…
  2. Listed as the deadliest animal on earth, from Malaria to Zika virus.
  3. Been on this planet for about 210 million years.
  4. All mosquitoes water to survive, not a lot but just enough to lays eggs. Limit water sources and you limit mosquitoes. Unless your neighbors don’t care.
  5. What is the best time to kill them, in their larval stage? Kill them in the water where they can’t fly away.
  6. Mosquito in Spanish means “little fly”.
  7. I’ve read that mosquitoes prefer beer drinkers.
  8. That little bump you get on your skin is actually from their saliva.
  9. To avoid them completely you must stop breathing (CO2), get rid of body odor and your body heat, and stop moving. Ha try that….
  10. Worldwide 2700 species and in the USA only 176 species.


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