

Integrity and what does that mean to you? I believe it means “sell a service and do it according to label/law, deliver what you promised and maybe a bit more. The old Boy Scout Law, starts with Trustworthy and ends with Reverent.  Maybe someone was trying to tell us something. Was it integrity, integrity is doing what your should do even if no one is watching. The other part is the Golden Rule and pretend your servicing your Mother’s home. Can you only imagine if we all started with this premise and followed through the same. 

Today it is so easy to complain, it’s actually harder to say something nice or to recommend or give a positive review. So I’m asking, if someone does a great job give them a 5-star review. I always ask for reviews, if its bad call me, email but let me have the chance to correct it. We are all human and we all make mistakes. 

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