All posts in “Phoenix”

Drainage Block

Drainage Block

Drainage Block

Drainage BlockDrainage Block

What do we do?

We will cover with hardware cloth 2 areas from the inside, securing it in place with hammer gun device – this limits the pest from coming in. This exclusion stops snakes, rodents and other small types of critters. Now remember snakes and rodents do climb but this should limit anything from coming in via ground level. Notice: occasionally you will need to clean this area – if a lot of water passes through – it will pick up leaves, twigs etc.

SPECIAL: 2 area cover exclusion,  now only $95 limited time…………….. Special note – if you get three (3) neighbors to do it on the same day – ProBest will do all 3 at the price of $65 each address.








50% Off

50% Off

50% Off


Have you seen those offers for 50% Off, just what are you getting? You don’t know where they started and what they really want except your business? How about a plain and simple number $45 anytime you call for pest control (under 2000 square foot home, not included termites, German roaches  honeybees, gophers  and or bedbugs). Just plain and simple $45 for monthly, every other month or quarterly.

Are they charging you more for every other month and quarterly, WE DON’T so why should you continue paying those higher fees. Call us and see what options we have for you, check us out on the BBB site

You know exactly where you stand, no 50% off, no initial fees – and here is what we do each and every time.

  1. Come to your house and check in with you, with a Webber broom in hand.
  2. Backpack spray around the bottom of home, block walls and anyplace we think bugs may hide.
  3. Granulate if necessary or use products for outside ants.
  4. Use a hand duster to put DE or dust into cracks and voids.
  5. If you’re home, treat garage and  check back with you. We will email you a service slip.
  6. We will advise and make written notes on anything that you might need to know, water leaking etc. Or bring to your attention any other bug/wildlife issues.

ProBest is here when you need us, “Call A Pro… Call The Best. ProBest! 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

ProBest handles rodents, termites, honeybees and removal, Pocket Gophers, birds, wildlife and weeds. For all your Pest needs just one call does it all. 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Holes – Rodents – Those things that should live outside.

So what are all those holes around your home? No idea, could be rats, mice, spiders and/or snakes. Well it’s a good bet that you wil find out soon, either the temperature or the rain will probably draw them out. Or maybe you have seen something. Better call before they start scavenging for food especially if its rodents. They really like to gnaw on wires and pipes, that will cost more than the preventive treatment.

  • Check home for holes and entry points. Fix them
  • Check screens.
  • Check for fallen fruit.
  • Check garage door for entry points.
  • Call ProBest if you need an opinion 480-831-9328
Termite sign

Termite sign

Termite sign – Look no tubes at the bottom, but they are on the top of the shelving. This is a post tension home, so how did they do that? A little investigative work and what did I spy. No tubes outside, but there is a set of pipes at the washer/dryer. So it must be that, this one was a little easier than some.

You have to think about it, and make the best educated guess as to how they are getting in. Not always easy but the work must be done to stop them from getting in. Termites cause approximately $5 – 8 billion in damage each year so doing a monthly check for termite sign is important in keeping your home in tip top shape.



Integrity and what does that mean to you? I believe it means “sell a service and do it according to label/law, deliver what you promised and maybe a bit more. The old Boy Scout Law, starts with Trustworthy and ends with Reverent.  Maybe someone was trying to tell us something. Was it integrity, integrity is doing what your should do even if no one is watching. The other part is the Golden Rule and pretend your servicing your Mother’s home. Can you only imagine if we all started with this premise and followed through the same. 

Today it is so easy to complain, it’s actually harder to say something nice or to recommend or give a positive review. So I’m asking, if someone does a great job give them a 5-star review. I always ask for reviews, if its bad call me, email but let me have the chance to correct it. We are all human and we all make mistakes. 

Fail ultrasonic device


Fail or what? Thanks to a Facebook friend Michael Brinkman

So the question is answered? Does the pest ultrasonic devices actually work? NO

The bigger question for me is, clean your house please? This is disgusting and nasty, the roach droppings are everywhere. Look at the top of the pepper shaker gross.


Photo by Michael Brinkman

Human Health

Human Health

Human health should concern us all, have you ever considered how far we have come? From throwing waste into the streets where everybody walks through it, to kids playing in the streets.

West Nile Virus can be deadly, Arizona has among the highest incidents of this mosquito-transmitted virus. In 2017, 109 confirmed cases resulted in 8 deaths. A University-County (Phoenix metro area) collaboration (supported by CDC) prompted control of 8 mosquito populations carry the virus, reducing disease risk. Published Arizona Pest Management Center.

Human Health

I consider myself at the front lines of Public Health and Human Health. I also work closely with Arizona Pest Management Center on IPM.

$1000 phone

$1000 phone


You know what gets my goat? The pricing ($1000 phone) of the newest technology and the pricing of termite work. People are willing to spend $1000 but are shocked by the cost of termite work. There was a report in Florida that compared pricing in 1937 compared to today. A treatment in 1930 cost something like $327 would compare to over $1500 today. Everyday I battle the low price companies, and you get what you pay for. I guess there are companies willing to do it cheap, but we do quality work and stand behind it. We have always tried to do the right thing, it helps me sleep at night.

So think about this when you compare 4-5 hours of work, usually 2 people trenching and applying termiticide. Are you willing to gamble your single biggest investment to a cheap price? Is it going to be done according to Label? What chemical and % is to be used. Are they doing a complete exterior? Is there a warranty and have you checked their reviews (don’t trust them all, but compare and see what they did to fix it)? $1000 phone or technology?

$1000 phone




Expert: In my days of traveling to give presentations to pest control technicians across the world, I ran into all kinds. The one thing that always got me, if you traveled to speak you were the expert. The biggest audience was in Mexico with over 500 attendee’s. And it had to be translated because you know who couldn’t speak Spanish. I really enjoyed the comradery and since I had hands on experience it was easy to relate to me and my talks.


ProBest Expert

I want to share another feature/benefit of ProBest Pest Management, there is this site for Pest Control people across the world. They can go there to ask questions, ask for help in identifying other bugs and ask questions on day to day operations. It’s a cool, informative site. I like it because one of my technicians is a member and an (A.C.E.)  Associate Certified Entomologist and he is constantly helping people on this site. Makes me proud to have him onboard as a supervisor and resident expert on bugs.

There are a lot of bugs out there and by the way they weigh more than all of us, so be careful. #1 bug threat to man = mosquitoes and #2 probably fleas. So the world needs the Public Health expert to stand against the bugs. Bugs come in many sizes, shapes and nastiness, so bee careful and let the Expert just do it for you.



Loyalty – Show that you care about your family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and country. I ran into a realtor the other day, he called and had me inspect 2 buildings for termites. He told me a story that he had used someone else and never solved their termite issue. He was coming back because he had never had an issue with our treatment service. So the moral of this story is – ProBest pricing shouldn’t matter. We may be more expensive but here are the facts:

  1. QualityPro since 2005
  2. Serving the Valley since 1981
  3. Honest & Reliable


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