All posts in “Carpet”

A lot of times vacuuming can really help with Pest Control.


We often get calls to rid homes of certain bugs and sometimes I just want to say – clean your house first. Its all in the approach to a customer, I have always believed that a home was meant to be lived in. Hoarding though can be dangerous, look I prefer a home that was clutter free but that isn’t always going to happen. So lets just say that your home leans a little closer to clutter than clutter free, what can you do?

  • If you have carpet vacuum often and make sure you empty the vacuum. We don’t have fleas here in Arizona but I have seen fleas hatch from a bag vacuum and re-infest the entire home again.
  • Carpet beetles are a problem and if you have a vacuum that really works well, it may be able to suck up the larva and they do all the damage.
  • Bed Bugs can also hang out near the baseboard and edges of the carpet, so vacuuming could help. Speaking of Bed Bugs if you want to use DE or DiatomaceousEarth – don’t go crazy this stuff can be dangerous when your breath it into your nose.
  • Don’t use Bug Bombs, they can make the critter go deeper and more of an issue on treating in the future.
  • Vacuum again.
Photo by PPMA

Photo by PPMA

Has the Stink got you, have you tried Earth Care odor bags?



I run across some really stinky little issues from time to time, like a rodents who died within a home. So its one of those things that isn’t easy to fix, so I often recommend the odor bags. I have used these bags many times and have never been disappointed in their use.


Easy to use to remove dead rodent odors, urine and feces odors, skunk odors, musty mildew odors, and cigarette smoke odor. Doesn’t have to come into contact with dead rodent or odor causing agent and works even if carcass is not removed. Bags are easy to use and last an average of 3-4 months in use and contain no chemicals, toxins or fragrances. Simply place the bag near the odor and in 24 hours the odor will be gone. Earth Care does not mask odors it removes them. Its contents are bio-degradable, non-flammable, non-toxic, safe around children, pets & mother earth.

A friend on mine recently had an issue with bats, so I recommended he try hanging some bags near the spot where the bats had been nesting, here’s what he said:

I did exactly what Keith said and I was pleasantly surprised as to the results, odor gone. I’m sold on these bags.  W. Davis – Florida

Dryer Vent Cleaning

 Dryer Vent Cleaning

Improper dryer vents are a much bigger and more common safety problem. Here are a few tips to keep your clothes dryer running safely and efficiently.

No matter which kind of duct you have, you should have it cleaned regularly. In addition, remove the visible lint from the lint screen each time you use your dryer. This not only will reduce the risk of a fire, but your clothes will dry faster and your dryer will use less energy.
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Call ProBest today to have us clean that dryer vent, Peace of Mind! Always!


How often do you check your A/C filters?

How often do you check your A/C filters?


probestIMAG0227 I think most replacement filters suggest every 60 days, but I think a more appropriate answer is when they are dirty. The rest of the answer is how many contaminates are involved with your home? Do you have pets, do you live in an area where they have smog days and how many people live in your home? What about allergies, do you or someone living in your home have allergies? If you answered yes, then you should consider special filters that collect more contaminates. Dust mites, German Cockroaches and other pests can increase asthma conditions and should be prevented.


What do you look for with carpet and pests?


 What do you look for with carpet and pests?


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Yearly carpet cleaning is a great time to examine and inspect your carpets. More dirt equals more wear and tear on carpets. This pest above is a carpet pest as well as a pest to any type of hide, carpet or artwork. Webbing Clothes Moths or Casemaking Moths can do real damage to all types of products including taxidermy, feathers, any type of wool and furs. Remember it is not the adult that feeds on these products but the larva, so be on the lookout for any strange type of actvity happening on the carpet or product.

The key to control is proper identification, good sanitation and pesticide application when necessary.

What makes sense with a Bed Bug service?

What makes sense with a Bed Bug service?


When this bed bug issue hit th U.S., many companies started purchasing heat equipment or special heat packs etc. Rather than spend a great deal of money on something that I personally didn’t know how much business was available, we decided on a truck mounted carpet cleaning van.


ProBest Pest Management is in the business of SERVICE and it doesn’t matter to me what kind of service that is. Nothing makes more sense than steaming the Bed Bugs and cleaning the carpets on the way out.

New carpet can improve the appearance of any room, but how can carpet that is walked on every day continue looking new? To keep your carpet clean, it’s necessary to vacuum regularly with a strong, well-functioning and properly-filtered vacuum cleaner. Unfortunately, due to traffic, children, pets and normal wear, carpet fibers inevitably become soiled, and a dull appearance results. And no matter how much you vacuum, eventually you will need to call a professional carpet cleaner. That call should be to ProBest Carepet Care at 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176


How to use Homepro Spotter and Cleaning Supplies?

 How to use Homepro Spotter and Cleaning Supplies?


HomePro Spotter and our variety of Green Cleaners offers our customers a real choice is keeping your home safe from all the toxins.

Dr. Matt Miller our Chiropractor friend at Miller Chiropractic Center accidentally had a pen leak in his shirt and he quickly remembered the HomePro Spotter and within minutes he had saved his shirt.

Just think what it will do with stains in carpets and rugs. Carpet Cleaning by a Pro – ProBest Carpet Care and ProBest Pest Management. 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176 or order directly through our website



Pigeon Poo & You!

Pigeon Poo and You!


I think its time to find a new parking spot. Bird poo can cause disease and can also ruin car paint and other structures. The other issue I have is tracking this stuff into the home and if you have children – do you really want them playing on the carpet.

Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection. It occurs throughout the world. In the United States, it is most common in the southeastern, mid-Atlantic, and central states.

Histoplasma fungus grows as a mold in the soil. You may get sick when you breathe in spores produced by the fungus. Soil that contains bird or bat droppings may have larger amounts of this fungus. The threat is greatest after an old building is torn down or in caves.

Having a weakened immune system increases your risk for getting or reactivating this disease. Very young or very old people, or those with AIDS, cancer, or an organ transplant have more severe symptoms.

People with chronic lung disease (such as emphysema and bronchiectasis) are at higher risk of a more severe infection.

Here is a publication on the cleanup procedure and please wear a mask and wear gloves.

The Clean Trust – training continues

The Clean Trust -training continues



Why did ProBest Pest Management get into carpet cleaning: Bed Bugs are the main reason.

The Bed Bug epidemic has spread across the USA at a rapid pace and people react with a sense of urgency and frustration. Often times people panic and react by immediately throwing things out and this leads to the spread of eggs and adults throughout the home including carpets. ProBest Pest Management decided to offer a service of pest treatment with a carpet cleaning as a way of  total and complete eradication. What better way than to steam everything including the carpets if needed. We offer steam, limited pesticides and follow-ups if needed.  ProBest immediately sought certification and so far 2 employees are “The Clean Trust” certified.

What does Carpet Cleaning have to do with Pest Control?

What does Carpet Cleaning have to do with Pest Control?

You probably don’t even think about your carpet and how dirty it gets from normal daily usage? So where does all that dirt come from?

  1. Dust and dirt are everywhere!
  2. When you walk into your home, do you wipe your shoes – you can track mud, dirt and feces right in the front door. The neighbor’s dog leaves you a present or the pigeon poop on the driveway or front porch.
  3. Dust mites are everywhere.
  4. Critters get in and die along the edge and their bodies eventually disintegrate and become dust and allergens.


No home is immaculate, dust and dirt are everywhere. So we recommend cleaning your carpets (based upon usage) at least once a year. ProBest Pest Management purchased a Carpet Cleaning van to use with our Bed Bug service. Call us today to schedule that carpet cleaning – green products available!

ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378

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