All posts in “IPM”

Drains & Restaurants

Drains & Restaurants

Drains & Restaurants

Do you ever check bathrooms before you eat at a restaurant, I check drains and restaurants for a living? I won’t eat until I check the bathroom, if its clean then probably (probably) the kitchen is clean. If you have a restaurant, staff must be taught that part of the process is cleaning. Everyday a certain station should be cleaned and then someone needs to double check. If a customer gets something in their food, the reputation can be sullied in that visit and those reviews sites are not forgiving.

  1. Daily cleaning, certain areas.
  2. Weekly cleaning.
  3. Inspection by someone who cares, not just someone that wants to go home.
  4. Inspection by management. If you set the standard – staff will comply.
  5. A German Cockroach can get by with just a speck of grease, don’t forget in between appliances.
  6. Use a checklist, its not tough. If you start out clean and keep it that way.

The Public is your Critic

  • Only takes one complaint, and if its online – it is there FOREVER. Those Dirty Dining shows are proof of that.
  • Make the weekly cleaning game with free appetizers etc. If staff doesn’t consider it work – it won’t be.
  • Set the standard, if you don’t then no one else will.
Honeybee Danger

Honeybee Danger

Honeybee Danger

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, it is very important to check your home inside and outside monthly. If you have our service, we meet you at the front door with a giant broom. It is intended to make the techs look up and to dust down spiders webs etc. The bugs originate outside for the most part.


Winter Weather

Winter Weather

Winter Weather


Winter weather generally means all of us are cold and that means critters as well. So as we are trying to maintain our houses, pests are trying to get in. Any hole or opportunity will allow them inside. I would recommend the use of IPM, the art of using everything at your fingertips and then getting to pesticide if you have to.

  • Do a monthly or at least quarterly check of your property.
  • Seal any cracks or holes on the home, use caulking or steel wool if rodents are involved. Remember mice need a hole the size of a dime. Rats require something in the area of a quarter to gain entry. Seal it with steel or copper wool and calking or cement.
  • Remove, replace any wood rot and seal it if possible.
  • Keep trash receptacles closed and clean and away from house.
  • Keep bushes, trees and vines away from the house.
  • Keep wood trim painted or sealed to keep away pests.
  • Keep water usage to a minimum, make sure you’re not collecting water in certain areas.
  • If you have a crawlspace keep it clean and dry, always good to keep it ventilated as well.
  • Once a year have a termite inspection done, they can also perform a pest inspection.
  • When in doubt, or maybe you don’t understand the pest – time to hire a Professional call 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176

The picture is of bait in a rodent station and as you can see activity is taking place. The bricks show that something is gnawing at it, the next visit may or may not show more evidence but rodents should on the down swing.

Slab Issues

Slab Issues

Slab Issues

Slab issues can affect the home in many ways, crack and penetrations allow termites access.  This picture is the start of the problems, after the pouring of the concrete. A plumber will disrupt the soil and the termiticide and this of course allows termites into the home. From my point of view I would like the plumber to leave the dirt alone and keep the termiticide in place.






Rodenticide – EPA files notice – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is considering several changes to its regulation of rodenticides
that will jeopardize access to this critical rodent control tool.

To make ALL bulk rodenticides RESTRICTED USE PRODUCTS (RUP)

ProBest Pest Management decided years ago to not use anti-coagulates. (The poison interferes with the blood’s ability to clot.) This may cause damage to secondary predators such as owls, eagles, hawks, cats etc. We use either Terad3 (calcium mobilizer) or RatX (sodium chloride -salt. Rats and mice cant throw up or vomit, while the predators can and will. We also offer ContraPest ( birth control).

See the attached picture on our offer, a little more expensive but better for secondary animals.

I personally have seen some bad things, bait packs throw into garages. I’ve seen certain open boxes of bait in front yards available to kids etc. Safety is the paramount concern when handling rodenticides or pesticides. How many people read the label before using a product? I would venture to say, not many. Or they might skim and do what they think is correct or right. Are you using the product consistent to the label and labeling? Have you thought about who might come in contact with the product or the remaining dead animal? Just my thoughts on rodenticides.

Use a Professional, we have the tools, the knowledge and experience to handle all kinds of situations. We are also licensed and undergo training and retraining annually.

Down tube

Down tube

Down tube

Termites in AZ are generally shy and often will move along if disturbed. That being said I don’t think they move to far and will often attack the same home. I have seen them in a tube that was scratched and they don’t come back and on the other hand I’ve seen them rebuild a tube the next day. Finicky yes, persistent yes, 24/7/365 yes and you get the picture.

The pictures is a down tube usually the first signs of termites in a home. Subs always move with the grain of the wood, then hitting another 2×4, continue with the grain. Rather than go back the same way they try to take a short cut and try coming down. I’ve seen mud drop down tubes over 6 feet in length. Awesome to say the least.

In the woods or nature they do the recycling and rebuild the land with fertilizer, and we build right on top. They are just doing what’s in their nature. Its a system that encompasses scavengers and builders. From earthworms to termites, they do their part in our ecosystem.

Its when they get into our houses that we take action. There are many avenues to take for control and Termidor is at the top of my list.


Rain run off

Rain run off

Rain run off

You paid to have termite treatment done, how can you protect your investment? All chemical whether pesticides or termiticides ultimately loose the ability to protect. Rain run off and many things can degrade the chemical and today we will discuss them.

  • Water or rain – the more you can divert the water the better.
  • Animals digging up the soil – stopping the Ground Squirrels and/or rodents will stop the termiticide from moving.
  • Plants – should not be planted within the extended area of the eaves of the house. The roots will move chemical and soil and the plants block sunlight from reaching the house walls helping them to stay dry.
  • If you dig up the soil next to the house, contact your Pest Company to redo the barrier. If you are placing pavers don’t let touch the stucco you need a little room to see the foundation.
  • Planters are nice but not if they block your walls, no access to see the foundation and termite tunnels.
  • No wood should touch the soil, including trellises and vines. Blocks the ability to see foundations.


Mosquitoes are back and can be a real pain in the bod. Not on my list of favorite bugs but I guess they have a purpose. Not exactly sure what it might be but everything in its place. Annoying but they kill about 1 million people per year. Screens probably reduce the numbers to houses more than any other device.  How about a few facts:

  1. Only the females bite. OK they suck…
  2. Listed as the deadliest animal on earth, from Malaria to Zika virus.
  3. Been on this planet for about 210 million years.
  4. All mosquitoes water to survive, not a lot but just enough to lays eggs. Limit water sources and you limit mosquitoes. Unless your neighbors don’t care.
  5. What is the best time to kill them, in their larval stage? Kill them in the water where they can’t fly away.
  6. Mosquito in Spanish means “little fly”.
  7. I’ve read that mosquitoes prefer beer drinkers.
  8. That little bump you get on your skin is actually from their saliva.
  9. To avoid them completely you must stop breathing (CO2), get rid of body odor and your body heat, and stop moving. Ha try that….
  10. Worldwide 2700 species and in the USA only 176 species.


Bath Trap

Bath Trap

Bath Trap

So imagine if you will, the construction company is building your dream house. Sounds like the Twilight Zone, everyone has different skill sets, mine is bugs and entomology. We or a pretreat company sprays the ground to treat the soil for termites before they pour the concrete. When the plumber comes along later, how do they deal with that mess from the bath trap. Generally they remove it away and don’t worry about it. Now I wonder where are the termites going to come into the house. Either on the outside of the home or where there is a hole.

Scorpion Pest Management

Scorpion Pest Management

Scorpion Pest Management is a BIG deal here in Arizona. Some areas are worse than others, especially those that border hills and mountains.I’m sure you have seen the new treatment called scorpionrepel.

What can you do to avoid the STING?

  • Clean up the yard, no hiding places.
  • Don’t allow trees to touch the house.
  • Don’t stack firewood against the house, also don’t stack shingles either.
  • Continue with pest control, less food = less predators.
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