All posts in “ProBest Pest Management”

Marketing Facebook Twitter and Social Media ProBest Pest Management

Marketing and Advertising

is something to really consider, money is the biggest factor in what you pay for is what you get, right? So it pays if you know something about social media aspects or you have to learn as you go. There is a difference between social media 1. marketing – communication between your company and the target audience 2. advertising is that form of marketing used my you to promote your service. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are the modes of how to get that message to your audience. A good slogan helps “Call A Pro… Call The Best. ProBest!

Remember a few of the good ones over the years: One of my favorites was that Norelco Christmas spot 1970 with Santa riding the shaver on snow, Coke and its “I’d like to buy the world a Coke”, the Milk commercial with milk on your upper lip. Can you name any of your favorites? Comment below!




Cat ad 4 best pest company – ProBest Pest Management

Cat ad delivers message to viewers

You know I’m really not a cat person, I like dogs. Yes I know more people these days own cats than dogs but hey what can I say. There is this World renown Entomologist in Florida that despises cats and he frequently makes fun of all types. He even includes jabs at training events and a magazine his University publishes. To me they are finicky while dogs will generally play and come to you no matter what. Cats are just cats, no more no less. Did you know that all dogs come from wolves, I mean there are all kinds small and large, tall and short, ugly and cute (all in the eye of the beholder) well you get the drift. I guess they have been around a long time, I guess their good mousers (well most of them). But at least the one below knows something good.[embedyt][/embedyt]



Leptospirosis Pets and Familiy

Leptospirosis, bacterial disease

A recent outbreak of Leptospirosis was recently confirmed in Maricopa County. Over 60 dogs tested positive, so I prepared video to help identify what you can do to protect your dog, cats, pets and family. Leptospirosis, is a bacterial disease that can affect people and animals, has been on the rise in Maricopa County dogs since February, 2016. The bacteria that causes this disease is spread in the urine of infected animals, including rodents, wildlife, pets, and livestock. If you suspect your pet may have this bacteria virus please consult your Veterinarian.

First of all, I stopped taking Gracie my dog (I think she is a beagle coker spaniel mix) to parks.  I’m concerned with her picking up ticks and now this nasty disease. If you take precautions, we should be able to stop this but consult your Veterinarian. I use Lookout Mountain on Cave Creek Road and highly recommend them. They have taken care of both my dogs and are personable and know their pets.


Gracie negative Leptospirosis

Gracie negative Leptospirosis


Asthma Cockroaches & children


Asthma – Cockroaches, children and allergies – interesting correlation to children and pests in a home. is the official website of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), a non-profit organization committed to the protection of public health, food and property. This site serves as a comprehensive resource for consumers, media, educators & pest control professionals. From common household pests to do-it-yourself pest control tips and provides timely information and tools to better serve our visitors’ pest management needs.

Please utilize as your main resource for information on bugs, rodents, pest control, and the growing professional pest management industry.

You can also use our website as a resource. There are many websites available to decide on the bug and its issue with living close to humans. Using Google can also help, plus you’re welcome to send in the picture of the bug to [email protected] to quickly get identified by an expert.

asthma Cockroaches children


Ant Invasion

The ants go marching one by one, remember the old saying?

How many times have you sprayed something on the ants and they just coming back? It’s not about killing the ones you see, it’s about killing the Queen. You can spray until your fingers go numb, but I’ve got the secret – oh and that’s why you pay me to come to your house for the ants and other bugs. OK just kidding, but you really have to know the bug in order to have the right ammunition to annihilate them. You must get something to the Queen and take her out.  Call ProBest Pest Management and we can solve those ant issues 602-249-7378





The success is IPM – Integrated Pest Management

We have often talked about IPM, and just to be clear it is Pest Control. Using all the tools at hand before you have to use pesticides. Technicians don’t prohibit the use, we just leave it for the end if the other techniques don’t work.

Here is an example – you have ants in the kitchen, you have sealed and caulked every possible opening along the entire wall and somehow they continue to get in. Furthermore you tried a pesticide outside (I suggest Termidor outside only) and that didn’t work either (you must understand the bug). So now the only option is to bait within the house, hide it in an area they frequent and bingo they are now gone. Use the tools and success, with minimal intrusion and pesticides. As a result most pesticides are useful, use them with caution and use as directed. Always play it safe read and understand the label.

Home-seal and prevention.
  • Do a monthly check of your property.
  • Seal any cracks or holes on the home, use caulking or steel wool if rodents are involved. Remember mice need a hole the size of a dime. Rats require something in the area of a quarter to gain entry. Seal it with steel or copper wool and calking or cement.
  • Remove, replace any wood rot and seal it if possible.
  • Keep trash receptacle closed and clean and away from house.
  • Keep bushes, trees and vines away from the house.
  • Keep wood trim painted or sealed to keep away pests.
  • Keep water usage to a minimum, make sure you’re not collecting water in certain areas.
  • If you have a crawlspace keep it clean and dry, always good to keep it ventilated as well.
  • Once a year have a termite inspection done, they can also perform a pest inspection.
  • When in doubt, or maybe you don’t understand the pest – time to hire a Professional.



Rodents, who will win?

Have you seen any rodents?

Rodents including rats and mice and it seems like every once in awhile we get them in the Valley, back in 2011 and this last year 2016-2017. Roof rats mainly and they can be a real pain if you live in areas where they have become quite the nuisance. Sometimes we even get Pack Rats, I still have no idea how they survive the Jumping Cholla cactus. They will use that cactus to build their middens (their home) and no idea why they don’t get barbs everywhere. If you live in Arizona you know to stay way clear of this cactus, they don’t jump but they somehow manage to get to you and they hurt.

Also we should be concerned about cabins or sweeping up remains of the rats/mice etc, Histoplasmosis  is a major concern.


rodents bait station


Home-seal 10 tips

Home-seal Top 10 Tips video

Home-seal is the best method to keep out the bugs, nothing works better. It seems that almost anything you do and the scorpions still get inside.  But I consider it whatever you can do to reduce the numbers. Sealing is  #1, then pest control to reduce population of feeder bugs.  Black-lighting to reduce population on your property. Then finally patching any holes, including weatherstripping on doors and windows. Often times we unknowingly do things that help the pests, planting trees and bushes to close to the home, over watering to close to the foundation and not repairing or replacing screens. Home repairs and upkeep is important to keeping the bugs out.

Home-Seal Storm Shield

Home-Seal Storm Shield


Halloween Bugs

Halloween bugs – are you scared when this holiday rolls around? Some people don’t like frightful things like ghosts, scary outfits and bugs. Bugs and animals related to the holiday may include bats, rats, wolves, cockroaches and spiders. Cockroaches are a scary thing to most homeowners, no one likes bugs in their kitchens. Cockroaches carry all sorts of diseases like salmonella and can spread bacteria. They can cause internal issues with us, causing food poisoning and can cause asthma and allergies.

Did you know?

  • Cockroaches can hold their breath for 40 minutes. I wonder who took the time to measure that?
  • Cockroaches who lose their heads die from starvation.
  • What is a group of cockroaches called? An intrusion, yep that’s what I would call it.
  • Cockroaches molt their skin.
  • I heard that a small group of Hissing cockroaches can eat a large carrot in a day, wow!
  • Cockroaches are pretty much everywhere.
  • Cockroaches have adapted to humans, and will eat just about anything.




Halloween bugs

Halloween bugs

New feature – Tips & Info Dr. Bug

New feature!

Introducing a new feature of ProBest Pest Management which started in 1981 and in 2005 changed ownership, we had the opportunity to partner with the US Post Office to become a Contract Postal Unit which helps us to interact with about 100 people a day who may never have know us. As we interacted we also noticed children, often times not happy with shopping with Mom or Dad. We then came up with the idea of showing a few bugs and reptiles – we currently exhibit 2 snakes, 1 tarantula and 1 Bearded dragon. The kids just LOVE the exhibits and this is how Dr. Bug was created. Dr. Bug shares the features of the Pest and Termite world by exploring the things people may not know about bugs that invade their homes. Dr. Bug also shares his experience to help families and business owner protect themselves from the dangers of pests. You may also send a picture or ask for advice on pesticides or bugs in general from Dr. Bug at [email protected] and as always please bee careful out there.

Feature Dr Bug

Feature Dr Bug

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