All posts in “attic”

Foundation termite tube

Foundation termite tube on the house can be the surest signs of termites. I can spot those things from the road while driving (safely). So besides this obvious sign what else do you look for:

Baseboard – I hold up my first 3 fingers like the Boy Scout sign, now mush them together. The wood being eaten from the inside buckles, after the termites are gone the wood will dry out and actually get worse. Yes it’s time to replace baseboard. If you find damage here check outside as there is probably a Foundation termite tube.

Down tubes – can appear anywhere and drop from any ceiling. Typically on a one story house – the ceiling. 2 story home again usually the ceiling first floor, why you ask. When Subterranean termites hit the ceiling wood beams there is generally a header and they follow the grain of the wood. Usually I find termites on the 1st floor ceiling rather the 2nd floor ceiling.



Woodpecker damage can be quite the issue with homes in Arizona. Most of the time the woodpecker stays with natural habitat like cactus and other tree nesting sites. For me its the drumming or the sound of the woodpecker in trying to get into a hole or make a new one. Sometimes they get it all wrong and drum the band around a chimney and it sounds terrible.

Now for the bad news, it is a bear to get them to stop. Sometimes the flashy things work and sometimes not. One of the newest is a rotating device mentioned in previous blogs. Again they are for the birds that swoop into your rook lines. Call ProBest for all your pest needs at 602-249-7378 or 623-414-1076.

Attic infestation

Attic infestation

Attic infestation, can be caused by many critters including mice and rats. But they are not the only ones, have you considered wildlife like raccoons, birds and bats. Remember mice only need a hole the size of a dime and a rat a quarter. I think everyone should inspect their home twice a year, maybe the attic once a year maybe at Christmas. Attic infestation can occur from a few days to months. Take the packages into the garage and open them up. You don’t or need bugs or rats inside your home. That in itself could cause you hours or time you could be buying me a gift. This also goes for sheds, check that shed at least once during the summer and once during the winter. The National Pest Management Association constantly updates articles at their site, check it out for Fall and Winter pests. They also included a Bug Barometer for the seasons. Walk around the outside checking for honeybees and holes underneath. If you spot holes, or poop it’s time to call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378. Nobody likes surprises that cost money so on Attic infestations catch it early = no need to pay. Even if your looking for an opinion or need something identified, give us a call.


  1. Open holes, check the louvered screens and weep holes.
  2. Look around insulation for tunnels.
  3. Look around for feces.
  4. Look around for dead bodies or scavenging.
  5. Look around for scratching.

Rodents in attic

Rodents and your attic

The attic and mice or rodents can be a real issue for homeowners. By now you should know that flies are my evil #1 pests and rodents rank as #2. That whole thing of flies landing in your backyard and then getting in and laying on your food just grosses me out. But anyway back to rodents, mice urinate as they walk and rats and mice will defecate almost anyplace. They can track over the ground and then scurry across your food, they can spread salmonellae and other parasitic diseases.  They also are known for the carry of Black Death or Bubonic Plague.

Just one mouse or rodent in the house, is one too many. So what do you do to prevent rodents from getting?


  1. Check your property for holes and entry points.
  2. Fix screen, windows and doors. Use thresholds and door guards.
  3. Check weep holes and replace, they do wear out.
  4. Don’t allow clutter around the house.
  5. Trim trees and bushes from the home.
  6. Don’t allow sprinklers to hit the home.
  7. Call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378 for help in any matter related to pests.

Entry points

Entry points

This entry point – I couldn’t see this opening really well, but was sure something could gain entry. Could it be a bird or a rodent? This opening in the attic is important to annual checks. I would be concerned just looking at it but still needs to be sealed tighter to not allow unwanted guest. At least the door was closed but what if it was open, who would check and who might be able to close or lock it?

My opinion is that this is a perfect opportunity for rodent activity. The minute that mice or rats get into this space opens the chance for bacteria, urine and feces to become part of this home or business. Mice urinate while on the run and feces may be spread throughout the space.

Annual checks is what I’m saying, top on my list.


Play – anywhere, anytime

Play – Anywhere, anytime

Anywhere you might play, eat, sleep etc. Have you hear the sentence – “You Are Within 3-6 Feet of a Spider Right Now”? A 1995 popular article by famous arachnologist Norman Platnick begins, “Wherever you sit as you read these lines, a spider is probably no more than a few yards away.” From a 1999 Sierra Club book on spiders: “Wherever you are, there is a spider within a meter of you.” From a 2001 book on nature in the city: “Even in Manhattan, you are never more than three feet from a spider.” These are just some of the myths surrounding the sentence because it really depends on where you are. So what about bugs then, you probably have them all around you and you don’t realize it.

Maybe a silverfish in your attic, a cockroach under a kitchen cabinet, maybe an earwig off the back patio or your children are at play. The reason is that they outnumber us and by big numbers, its just that they are so small and often not visible to our naked eye.


Anywhere you play

You can always call A Pro…

So pest control often plays a part in the management of these pests, here in Arizona we have Bark Scorpions and they can sting and cause pain and fear. They normally don’t kill anyone but the sting is painful and can cause more serious trouble to younger children and older adults. Black ad Brown Widow spiders can cause significant more damage and I recommend wearing gloves while doing work outside or in the garage or attic. Cockroaches, flies and rodents can spread diseases and can seriously damage your intestinal tract. That is why I call myself a Public Health Professional and I’m here to stop those bugs and pests from getting to your family and friends. As always if you have questions, have a picture a picture or just need some advice give us a call 602-249-7378

Scary things living in your attic?

A bump in the night in your attic!

It might sound strange, but if you hear noises at night in the attic it may not be your imagination. Maybe those bumps in the night might be coming from inside your attic. Even the smallest of holes allow mice and insects such as honeybees access into your home. I always suggest that you do periodic checks of your home especially the attic to basically keep an eye out for trouble makers. Birds and even larger animals can gain access into crawlspaces & attics. As a result this can cause concern and sometimes it is a real pain to get rid of them. Honeybee are always on the search here in Arizona for a new place to live. Honeybees often swarm in Spring and Fall since we have a somewhat higher temperature throughout the year. If you notice bees going into your home use extreme caution as they may be very dangerous. Once you have made them MAD, you can’t take it back. They can stay agitated for 8+ hours, they can sting dogs, neighbors and children.




Silverfish attic – book pests

Where do silverfish live? My books are being eaten by something, what could it be?

How many people do you think bring in boxes into the house during Christmas or other occasions without thinking about pests? That pest, mouse or squirrel may have been living in that box all winter until it found itself within your home and all heck breaks loose. The silverfish may be eating the paper, glue or any binding on a book it can find. That mouse or squirrel may have set up to give birth in that warm and comfy attic space away from all the hub bub. Check out Bob Vila’s Top 5 Spring Pest Proofing Tips.




All I can think about is “Christmas Vacation” where that squirrel jumps out of the Christmas tree. Boy wouldn’t that give you a start?




Twas the night before Christmas and not a creature was stirring

Oh yes they are, and we all need to be aware they are always out there and wanting into our cozy warm homes. What can you do to keep them out?

  1. Seal all holes coming into your home.
  2. Repair screens.
  3. Install door sweeps.
  4. Install garage door seals.
  5. Close flue dampers or at least check them.
  6. Pay attention to wiring around homes, rodents need to keep their teeth from growing to long.
  7. Seal weep holes and check attic often.
  8. When brining stuff down from attic, open boxes outside – prevents anything from getting loose within the house.

Photo by Univar




Off Label – dangerous and extremely improper method to eradicate rodents.

I now understand why the EPA wants to take away these products from consumers. Not all consumers are this reckless. I have even seen Pest Professionals do things that are not wise, spray for weeds in short pants with flip flops on. But I guess that is why they award the Darwin Awards each year for stupidity. That is also why items need warning labels such as “Don’t put your hands under mower when its running”. This is all dangerous, what if a child ran across this bait while on a walk. Bait must be securely installed within a rodent bait box, not accessible to children or pets. These packets are often throw into attic and I have seen rodents attempt to bring it out via the weep holes in the attic. I’ll also mention another pet peeve of mine, moth balls – they are not intended to be throw anywhere you want, they are poisonous to animals and children. Any pesticide can be dangerous, they all have Label directions of use and Safety Data Sheets and should be read each time you use them. Pests pose a significant risk to the public health and that is why I consider myself a Public Health Professional. Pesticides save lives everyday and should be used in accordance with the Label. Things change and pesticides are getting better at doing their intended purposes. The EPA has a very informative site for the safety of pesticides.

Please read the label, it is the law and must be followed for the safety of your community.

DANGEROUS is about all I can say! It isn’t just about yourself, it’s about the general public at large. Just think for moment before doing something. Thank you!

off label

off label

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