All posts in “beetles”

Bug Control

Bug Control

Bug Control

So at this point if you have read any of my previous posts, you know I’m a BIG fan of IPM and Schools should really be using this program. So how do I investigate before I propose for a bug control service.

  • I always check with the customer, what are they seeing, how many and when are they seeing them?
  • Then I preform an inspection.
    •  I carry a flashlight, mirrors and tools so I can get into areas and under things like sheds etc.
    • Transfer my notes to proposal sheet.
  •  Discuss options with the owner.
    • Is it insect pest or rodents, could be an issue outside with the shed or honeybees on exterior of home.
    • If it is rodents discuss what rodent stations look like and how they work, snap traps may also be involved.
    • I usually draw a graph, mandatory with termite but also good on pigeon work that needs to be done.

I have run into some problems especially in the Sun City, Surprise area of some Pest Control companies that either don’t issue a proposal before the work and/or jack up prices as they arrive to do the work. ProBest Pest Management doesn’t condone jacking up pricing – we will always issue a pest estimate on any work other than the typical pest control service. 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Termites tunneling

Termites tunneling

Termites tunneling in the soil around your home is inevitable. Stopping them before they get into your home must be absolute.  Termiticides have come a long way since the 1950’s  – some good and some maybe not so good. But all in all this all depends on how you stand on repellent, non-repellent and baiting?



In the 50’s Chlordanes usage was curtailed and replaced with shorter life termiticides. Chlordane lasted or had half life of approximately 50 years. OK I know some will argue but in plain language, EPA didn’t want it to last that long in the soil. Soon came shorter life in soil termiticides and newer type classes like Premise which is a non-repellent. Then came Termidor oh and I forgot some new baits like active ingredients Hexaflumuron and noviflumuron. These are baits that are placed into the soil and eaten by termites which then affects molting. My personal opinion especially in Arizona is that it is extremely hot and this in turn heats up the bait station. So I think putting a pesticide in place permanently is the way to prevent Termites tunneling. Termidor stays where you put while Premise can move up and down depending on water activity. We also perform WDIIR or Wood Destroying Infestation Inspection Reports. No matter where you live in the South termite are active usually year round. Depending on your location some moderate to heavy infestations can occur. Florida for instance is greater than Arizona due to moisture. Where you have more water and building codes that lean towards conducive conditions you will find termites.

Termite video

Termite video

Termites are small and white, and are termed social insects like ants. Colonies have males and females in the colony at all times. In Africa and Australia mounds are often built and can be 20 or more feet high. In nature termite take wood, break it down and redistribute back into the ground. Termites look for wood/food 24/7/365, constantly looking for a food source. Here is the Southwest or Arizona a termite infestation is not a cause for immediate panic. The infestation needs attention, but due I think to the lack of water the damage isn’t going to happen overnight. So you have some time, contact a Pest Management Professional like ProBest Pest Management 480-831-9328 to discuss options. So as I said it takes time, compare options – use Termidor and look at the reputation and reviews of the company.


Termite video

Blister Beetles

Blister Beetles

Blister beetles and other assorted nasty bugs. They come in varied colors including black and multiple colors. Many people do not realize how dangerous they can be? People have been known to swat one away and they propel that liquid and it burns. Nasty stuff so please stay away. They get their name from their defensive secretion of a blistering agent, cantharidin. Sometimes they will point their butt up toward the aggressor and then spray. Sometimes animals eat them by mistake and the insect then burns their mouth. Again, nasty….

In the bug world the brighter the color the more dangerous they are. Its a warning to predators not to mess or eat me. So please use extreme caution when spotting a character like this. There are a lot of dangerous bugs in Arizona, so take care out there. Scorpions, Africanized Honeybees, Black Widow spiders and a few reptiles like snakes and Gila Monsters. All venomous all dangerous.

Blister Beetles

Wood destroyers and termites

Wood destroyers, including termites and wood rot can play havoc on your home. Whenever you place wood directly on the ground, you are inviting termites and other  creatures to that area. It is always better to place firewood or any wood for that matter on blocks or pavers. Ideally having wood stored just for one season at a time is best, there is less chance of buildup of pests in general. But as always – please wear gloves and only take into the structure what you are going to use immediately. If it is cold and you warm up the wood, the insects living inside may try to come out and  infest the home. So here are a few Quick Tips:

  1. Always place firewood or wood on blocks or pavers rather than directly on ground.
  2. Keep that wood pile away from the home.
  3. Always wear gloves moving wood.
  4. Store only the wood you will use that season.
  5. Only bring in enough wood to use that day.
wood destroyers

wood destroyers

Recent question on Pest Control… Carpet Beetles

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One of the high lights of my career is when I’m asked to identify a bug, to each his own but I enjoy that part of the job. A guy pops into our office with this little critter and its up to me to identify and possible deduce where it came from and out to control it.

So here are the clues – its a larva, usually they do the damage. Notice the hairs, its important. How about those hairs on the end, its really important. So did you guess right – its a carpet beetle larva. The hairs on the end or butt are the extremely important clue, hope you did well but if you didn’t you always have me.

Send me a picture to [email protected]

Do me a favor don’t smooosh it to bad, it makes it difficult when they are way bigger than normal.

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


What is up with flies and dead things?

  • The life cycle of flies play an important role in the decomposition of dead bodies and in nature this is how dead animals etc are turned back into soil and nutrients.
  • It’s not just flies but beetles and other bugs help to turn flesh into soil nutrients.
  • Blow flies are most often associated with dead things.
  • Blow flies can find dead flesh within minutes.
  • A fly maggot mass can reduce the body weight of a dead animal by 50% in a few weeks.
  • The study of this is called Forensic Entomology and concerns the time and manner of death.

Hey baby I smell good – would you follow me?


For many years researchers have used pheromones to lure insects into glue boards or catch devices.  They are really isolating these chemicals that are found in the specific insects used for mating purposes. What the guys don’t know is that its a trap. “Female Asian Longhorned Beetles pheromone may be key to pest management” Caution sex pictures when you click that link… made you look.

The researchers found that when the proper ratio and amount of pheromone is produced by females and deposited on the surface where they walk, signaling that they are fertile, males come.

So some type of fungus, trap or glue-board could be used  to kill males or females and this could possibly help to control certain beetles which damage trees. Science is producing some great and innovative ways to combat certain pests.

What do you want to know by ProBest Pest Management!


Cockroaches are known to carry such diseases as polio, typhoid, gastroenteritis and hepatitis.

Africanized bees live in colonies with as many as 80,000 other bees; they are quick to get excited and attack in great swarms.

A scorpion can have up to 12 eyes.

Ladybugs aren’t really bugs at all, they’re beetles!

Insects are cold blooded and do not have lungs.


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