All posts in “bugs”

Slab Issues

Slab Issues

Slab Issues

Slab issues can affect the home in many ways, crack and penetrations allow termites access.  This picture is the start of the problems, after the pouring of the concrete. A plumber will disrupt the soil and the termiticide and this of course allows termites into the home. From my point of view I would like the plumber to leave the dirt alone and keep the termiticide in place.





These lizards are can often be found at South Mountain doing pushups on the boulders and the lizard in the picture is a Chuckwalla. They range in size up to 16 inches, and they live in the Southwest here is Arizona from California all the way to Southern Utah and Nevada. We do have a lot of lizards here in Arizona, but nothing as big as those Florida Iguanas.  Those were in the news recently when it got really cold and they were dropping from the trees. A friend has one in Payson, she named Stan, it hangs out daily and soaks in the sun.

In regards to pest control, we don’t treat and shouldn’t treat for them as they do more good than harm. They eat plants like annuals and perennials and will feed on insects. Occasionally they find their way inside, usually by mistake. Just let them out to continue to do what they do.



Mosquitoes are back and can be a real pain in the bod. Not on my list of favorite bugs but I guess they have a purpose. Not exactly sure what it might be but everything in its place. Annoying but they kill about 1 million people per year. Screens probably reduce the numbers to houses more than any other device.  How about a few facts:

  1. Only the females bite. OK they suck…
  2. Listed as the deadliest animal on earth, from Malaria to Zika virus.
  3. Been on this planet for about 210 million years.
  4. All mosquitoes water to survive, not a lot but just enough to lays eggs. Limit water sources and you limit mosquitoes. Unless your neighbors don’t care.
  5. What is the best time to kill them, in their larval stage? Kill them in the water where they can’t fly away.
  6. Mosquito in Spanish means “little fly”.
  7. I’ve read that mosquitoes prefer beer drinkers.
  8. That little bump you get on your skin is actually from their saliva.
  9. To avoid them completely you must stop breathing (CO2), get rid of body odor and your body heat, and stop moving. Ha try that….
  10. Worldwide 2700 species and in the USA only 176 species.


Bug Control

Bug Control

Bug Control

So at this point if you have read any of my previous posts, you know I’m a BIG fan of IPM and Schools should really be using this program. So how do I investigate before I propose for a bug control service.

  • I always check with the customer, what are they seeing, how many and when are they seeing them?
  • Then I preform an inspection.
    •  I carry a flashlight, mirrors and tools so I can get into areas and under things like sheds etc.
    • Transfer my notes to proposal sheet.
  •  Discuss options with the owner.
    • Is it insect pest or rodents, could be an issue outside with the shed or honeybees on exterior of home.
    • If it is rodents discuss what rodent stations look like and how they work, snap traps may also be involved.
    • I usually draw a graph, mandatory with termite but also good on pigeon work that needs to be done.

I have run into some problems especially in the Sun City, Surprise area of some Pest Control companies that either don’t issue a proposal before the work and/or jack up prices as they arrive to do the work. ProBest Pest Management doesn’t condone jacking up pricing – we will always issue a pest estimate on any work other than the typical pest control service. 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176




Alleyways, side streets all pose a risk of trash buildup, which allows all kinds of scavengers a chance to feed. Birds, opossums, raccoons, rodents and feral animals will somehow always find a way to get the food. Pests including cockroaches, flies, earwigs and ants will find the food and carry it away. All in all its better to keep the areas clean, but we know our neighbors, right? We also know that all of these pest pose a significant threat to the Public Health, they carry disease and other pathogens. These  pathogens can cause stomach issues and affect us in many ways. Don’t get me started on flies, yuuuuuck. One minute in the garbage the next on your steak – throwing up and licking it up. Did I mention yuuuuuuuck. Even in the winter here, those bins can be nasty.

So what can we do?

  • Keep those areas clean, clean them frequently. Even if your not in an alleyway, keep it clean.
  • Keep the garbage lids down.
  • Recycle what you can, food can go into earth type recyclable bins and later into gardens.
  • I suggest bagging it, they have recyclable bags as well.
  • There are products like fly bags (they smell but if in alleyway its better) there are baits and things you can use near the trash sites.
  • Remember that fly can be in your house super fast, while it might take a few hours for the roach to make it there.
Snakes and Wildlife

Bat Rescue

Bat Rescue at a DayCare, this Big Brown bat couldn’t make it home. She decided to take a rest in a corner of the playground and we couldn’t let her stay there. The children are the most important factor in this relationship. We sent out a technician and he captured her in a webber broom and transferred to a bucket. We then took her to Liberty Wildlife (our partner in the rehab business). This gave her a quick physical and will hold her overnight and then take her back to her home territory.

We extended Professional Courtesy on this Bat Rescue to her since she’s in the same business, killing mosquitoes and bugs. Did you know that a single bat can eat 1,200 mosquitoes each hour and maybe up to 8,000 each night. Bats can live up to 40 years. Bat droppings in caves can support whole ecosystems, including bacteria useful in breaking down wastes. Here in the desert many species of cactus including the Arizona Saguaro and Organ Pipe cactus rely on bats to pollinate.

Some useful tips:

  1. Never pick up a bat, it could be sick and bite.
  2. Call a Professional like this DayCare, I then explained to the kids the process and they were excited to learn about bats.
  3.  If you decide to use a plastic figure owl, it need to be moved frequently. Pigeons and bats become familiar with them not moving.
  4. Shining light on an area 24/7 can be useful
  5.  Again as I have mentioned previously, do a monthly inspection of your house and at night with a flashlight. Look up and chek all areas.

Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder Bugs can be a real nuisance and are identified as a occasional invader.  They become quite numerous in the Spring and Summer, populations go off the scale. I have seen (millions) similar to False Chinch bugs especially in tall grass and weed areas. So the key in reducing the population is to keep grass mowed and weeds in check.

These bugs feed by sucking the juices out of the plants and therefore pose little risk to homeowners. Keeping doors and windows shut can keep the majority out but since they are little they often sneak by. The use of screens is extremely beneficial and is considered (IPM) Integrated Pest Management. Reduce and seal cracks, electrical outlets can be sealed with caulking and check the jtrim along the stucco edge of your home. You can also seal all holes on exterior and interior of the home.

Boxelder Bugs don’t bite, but since they have a piercing suck mouth part they could possibly puncture the skin. The ideal treatment is a barrier pest control treatment which will help to reduce numbers. They are also a prey of scorpions and spiders. So keeping those numbers down is essential in keeping your home bug free. As always please call ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378 or 623-414-1076

Bug Season

Bug Season is fast upon us here in Arizona, scorpions never had a chance to freeze and much of their food lived as well. Cockroaches, earwigs, ants, beetles, caterpillars, spiders all may have overwintered. We have some warm, Ok HOT temperatures and they are probably more active during evening hours. Rodents would come out at night as many other wildlife would.

There are a number of great reasons to have a Pest Control treatment – we have scheduling software so we can come as often and regular as you think necessary. We can also offer customized service packages based on our recommendations. We know bugs/rodents/birds etc and we know their habits and wants. Its about knowledge not just the spraying.

$45 anytime you call for under 2000 square foot home and there are some exceptions. Honeybees, bedbugs and termites are just a few because they are didn’t that general bugs.


Essential Services

Essential Services – In response to the Covid-19 virus


Essential Services and their providers are the FrontLine of defense to Pest Control.This virus has certainly made people think, maybe those Preppers were right? Maybe we all need to think about – what if? The President, Governor of Arizona all have weighed in and set guidelines and protocols to the Pandemic. So why is Pest Control an Essential Service?

We are the Protectors of Public Health!

As you quarantine in place, we continue to serve your home or business. I never in all my days ever thought this day would come, yet here it is. The scorpions, ticks, mosquitoes, and rodents will not go away on their own. They will continue to be a constant threat against our lives. While many carry diseases, we are the force needed to stop them. We have the tools and knowledge to keep them at bay. The key in my mind is knowledge, anyone can spray but do they know the enemy? There are numerous pesticides on the market one even touts yearly protection – if that was true I would use the stuff. Depending on time, weather conditions and other factors, most pesticides only last a limited amount.

Why has ProBest Pest Management stopped doing insides homes and when did you stop? I made this decision years ago, probably about 2005. The pesticides are mixed with water, put down wet which dry and children and pets can then come in contact with these pesticides. Once dry they can become airborne and nobody needs to breath that over time. Most all work can be done from the outside, this requires more time. These days pesticides have come a long way, only certain pests like German Roaches require inside treatment (can be done with specific pesticides such as dry baits or gels). Ants can also be treated with baits. Bed bugs are a different story but these days there are fungal spores ready to annihilate the blood suckers.

Long story short, we PROTECT the PUBLIC. I personally have almost 30 years of experience, many long hours of study and credentials ready to serve you. Read my bio and you decide, who do you want on your side? Someone who cares and loves his job, or somebody just in it for the money. ProBest Pest Management 623-414-0176 or 602-249-7378.


Cockroaches can be real scary if they are in your home. Do you know some can actually fly or at least glide somewhat. If the one in your home is this BIG, you need to call ProBest right away 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176.

OK they ever get that big, well maybe in prehistoric time but not anymore. By the way if they were that big a show wouldn’t do it and they would be easier to find and get rid of. By the way, I’m kidding but if you have German Cockroaches you really need us. The longer you put it off the more they breed and reproduce. How about a few facts?

  1. One female can can produce thousands in just one year.
  2. They tend to gather together after birth.
  3. Egg cases are not susceptible to insecticides.
  4. German Roaches can and do change their normal behavior.
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