All posts in “home”

Just another house in flames, as homeowner attempts to rid home of Bed Bugs.

A New Jersey homeowner used a combination of a space heater, hair dryer and a heat gun to get rid of the Bed Bugs BUT that set-up caused an explosion and BOOOOOOM. Please use caution and common sense in dealing with Bed Bugs. Please check out our website and the National Pest Management Association for helpful tips and the way to contact a Pest Management Professional near you.




Hospitals sharing more than health


Bed Bugs Invade Hospitals


Bed Bugs continue to show up in weird and strange places. So do you have a plan before you vacation or stay in a hospital?

  1. Keep an eye out for bugs or fecal spotting on beds or sheets. If you notice something mention it to staff.
  2. If you place clothes in drawers just be sure to leave the suitcase in the garage and wash/dry everything.
  3. If you bring items home, check them for Bed Bugs.
  4. If you encountered bites, have someone check them before checking out of hospital.
  5. If you accidentally find them at home call a Pest Management Professional immediately.

bed bug male, female, and eggs


Tricky termite treatments


Tricky termite treatments


Pavers, flagstone and tile always make a termite treatment more difficult. Sometimes it almost impossible, these pavers are in fact put in place with cement or sand.  It is possible to drill but it also is worrisome because you might crack the paver. It is essential to the treatment to get the termiticide to the area where the termites may try to get into the home.

I also run across built in cabinets and they pose another obstacle to getting the termiticide to that expansion joint. What other issues do you think we run across on our daily termite treatments and do you have any unusual obstructions at your home or business?

Do you know what’s going on here? Post Tension or not?

Do you know what’s going on here? Post Tension or not?


probestIMAG0219      probestIMAG0220

Honestly I have no idea, it is stamped with Post Tension but there appears to be an expansion joint visible in both garages. There is also evidence of termites coming up the expansion joint. So I’m guessing but I think its a combination of Post Tension and Floating Slab.

What do I do? Do I drill the slab or not? Well if you hear screaming coming from Arizona it’s me!

How can you remove honeycomb from a structure?


How can you remove honeycomb from a structure?


Honeybees can take up residence in any home if there is space available and sometimes they don’t make it easy to get to them.We don’t always remove the honeycomb, it is not always necessary. Maybe the bees haven’t been there very long or it is just impossible to get to as the case above is. depending on the location you may have to cut stucco, or come in from the inside out and this all involves dismantling and construction. All of this is time consuming and somewhat dangerous unless you know what you are doing.

Sometimes it is necessary to call in someone with more construction ability than I have. If it involves cutting stucco or getting into a brick structure then I think you need a professional that understands construction and building plans.

What’s behind your refrigerator?

What’s behind your refrigerator?



Have you ever pulled your refrigerator or freezer away from the wall only to find – what? How about that spoon or fork you couldn’t find, how about rodent feces or maybe a termite mud tunnel?

Here are some excellent reasons to check behind those big items in your home:

  • Time to clean and remove dust from the refrigerator motor, this will help the unit run more efficiently.
  • You might find some unwanted bugs or other stuff, this could save you big money down the road.
  • Sometimes people drop liquid items and never clean it up, (kids).
  • Loose change – more money to pay your Pest Control service fee, oh come on I thought this was a funny one.

Any other ideas on what you might find under or behind those big items in your home?

Mud daubers are not Termites!

Mud daubers are not Termites!


I sometimes get called to homes to find that they see a Mud dauber nest and not a termite mud tunnel.

muddauber1     probestpestmanagementIMAG0743     termitetube


Picture #1 is a Mud dauber wasp nest and there are a variety of shapes and styles but basically a glob of dirt molded by the female wasp to hide/protect her eggs. She will lay an egg and usually provide it with paralyzed spiders.

Picture #2 and #3 are Subterranean termite mud shelter tubes, typically much more slender in size.

The good news – if it is a Mud dauber – just scrape the mud off the house – that’s it. The bad news if it’s termites – I think you should call ProBest Pest Management!


Chicken Wire or Hardware Cloth?


Chicken Wire or Hardware Cloth?


Without a question in my mind, Hardware Cloth! It just looks more professional, not like it was just thrown together to get it done in a hurry.

The other thing we do from time to time is to spray paint the hardware cloth, it can almost blend in and almost becomes invisible. Hardware cloth is more durable and can be secured in place with washers and screws.

Hey it’s your house, you can do what you want right? Do it right, it looks way better…



Incredible story of those crafty termites.

Incredible story of those crafty termites.


As good as you may think you are, termites are probably better! What’s that you say, no way. Termites have been working out their problems over the last 250 million years and what do we do but build houses (wood) right on top of their homes. If you give them an inch they will certainly take it and that is evident of the picture posted below.


You never know how or where they will enter a home and you almost have to play detective to understand and eventually solve the problem. So be prepared to investigate and you will be rewarded with the clues to solve the dilemma for the customer.


How do the bugs or rodents get into your home?

Can you guess how many ways the bugs or rodents can get into your home?

Lets see how many ways we can come up with:

  1. Garage Door, homeseal or garage door seal if possible.
  2. Do you ever bring firewood into the home?
  3. Do you have pets?
  4. Do you ever bring in plants or flowers?
  5. Do trees touch your roof?
  6. Are there holes in your stucco where pipes go into the home?
  7. Are the weep holes sealed?
  8. Are the shingles or tiles in place?
  9. Are your door seals in good condition?
  10. Do you have door sweeps in place?
  11. Are your screens in place?
  12. Are yout attic vents in good condition?
  13. Do you have a chimney guard in place?
  14. Does your stucco go all ythe way to the dirt or stone? You should be able to see your foundation.
  15. Do you have a wood fence and does it connect with your home? Its best if there is no dirt to wood contact.
  16. Do you have siding on the home? This could allow bugs or rodents the option to sneak underneath.
  17. Do you have shrubs or trees to close to the home?


Picture from this site

Can you think of any more, make comments below and thanks….

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