All posts in “ProBest”


Cheap work is what I’m talking about today, those companies that I can’t figure out how they do it.

So lets say a home is about 150 lineal feet, complete exterior of that building. What’s the cost and I know everyone’s is different. I see prices out there at the low end of $298

Termidor (yes you want Termidor) probably at least 30 gallons or approximately $67

Cost of labor 5 hours at $15 = $75

Cost of doing business – NPMA (National Pest Management Association) several years ago suggested 32.5% = $97

Total $239 – profit of $59

For all the liability we encounter are you willing to take in $59 as profit, what if you hit a pipe? Homeowners, if they aren’t making money, they won’t be around very long. Make sure it’s a complete exterior.

Do business locally and don’t automatically take the cheap proposal. ProBest has been a QualityPro member since early 2005, actually just after I bought the place.

Termite weird tubes

Termite weird tubes

Termite weird tubes and how I’m constantly amazed by their handiwork. I’ve seen drop tubes down from the ceiling at least 5 foot. I’ve also seen dead grass castles that are almost artwork. While termites are considered destructive, sometimes they are creative in their overall job out in nature. In nature they start to decompose wood and return nutrients to the soil. The never ending grow and die and return to the earth.


  1. Tubes on foundation slab wall.
  2. Drop tubes.
  3. Small little holes with soil or dirt growing over time.
  4. Baseboard looks like its crumbling from inside to outside.
  5. When in doubt call ProBest 602-249-7378.


Integrity and what does that mean to you? I believe it means “sell a service and do it according to label/law, deliver what you promised and maybe a bit more. The old Boy Scout Law, starts with Trustworthy and ends with Reverent.  Maybe someone was trying to tell us something. Was it integrity, integrity is doing what your should do even if no one is watching. The other part is the Golden Rule and pretend your servicing your Mother’s home. Can you only imagine if we all started with this premise and followed through the same. 

Today it is so easy to complain, it’s actually harder to say something nice or to recommend or give a positive review. So I’m asking, if someone does a great job give them a 5-star review. I always ask for reviews, if its bad call me, email but let me have the chance to correct it. We are all human and we all make mistakes. 



Gophers and the movie Caddy Shack, see link below. One of my all time favorite comedy hits. I still laugh every time that Gopher dances and makes fun of the landscaper. Now that I do rodent control, it isn’t a laughing matter anymore. These varmints eat roots and new shoots and can be quire destructive. So it is important to keep them at bay and stop them from damaging your lawn and plants. Rats and rodents in general continue to grow their teeth and need a way to keep them useable and sharp. They will gnaw on wires, pool equipment and even your vehicle wiring. That by the way can cost a fortune. We are running an special – give us a call at 602-249-7378 and yes we can gas them out. They won’t go away on their own.

Check out our new machine, the BurrowRx. 

Bill Murray and CaddyShack   Gophers

Grass eating termites

Grass and termites

Grass, termites and what they may eat. Here is Arizona we have a grass eating termite. Typically they eat desert cellulose cleaning up the desert. In the picture they are just eating the old dead tree bark. Sometimes you will see them building little castles in the yard. They usually don’t do any harm but it does freak out some people and from time to time we can treat around trees to stop them from doing any perceived damage.

You will occasionally see them in areas that are dry and they will build little tunnels over the lawn. This buildup looks like little castles and often look kind of unique in the yard or litter areas. They will buildup over leaves, small pieces of wood or twigs, manure, cactus and plant structures. They also are known as agricultural termites.


The U.S. Constitution

The U.S. Constitution

The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I don’t usually post rants but this is one of my exceptions.  I believe this document to be almost perfect, and needs to be interpreted as is. This piece of paper gives us our rights and I know many disagree on amendments etc, but I’m a purist at heart.

This piece of paper gives ProBest Pest Management the right to be in business and free to post a blog good or bad. Now I will disagree on what some companies decide to say publicly, I refuse to get into that set but it is their right. I just won’t do it, won’t post negative politically religious themes. I want everyone to get along, buy pest services from me and don’t care if I’m whatever.

BY the way did you know Silverfish and Cockroaches love paper and glue, rodents as well. So if you store stuff in the attic be careful about those things, I’ve also seen them eat photos and scrapbooks. So store in a plastic container somewhere where it is cooler without moisture. If you have numerous books in a den keep an eye out for silverfish, they can do a lot of damage before you even have a chance to see it.

The U.S. Constitution



Flocking (is that a word) – Roosting and Nesting?

If you have an issue like this, you might have poop everywhere? Here’s your sign, right? They would gather and then fly to one roof where they would just roost and enjoy their day. At night they may go back to one particular home and nest. Poop everywhere and their nest are disgusting, poop and old dead bodies. Gross! I personally think pigeons are nasty, but there are ways to remove them from your home or business and you need a professional to combat them

  • Looks for signs like poop and feathers.
  • Maybe they nesting, check corners and areas where they can have their back against a wall.
  • Do they gather at your place or a neighbors?


Trust & Reliability

Trust & Reliability

Trust & Reliability is what it is all about! Tell the truth and keep promises. People can depend on you.  We get more work from referrals than anything else we do. Many customers have been loyal fans of ProBest since 1981. They continue to promote by word of mouth daily to their friends. In this day and age, phone books are gone. More and more people on social media platforms utilize them to check on companies. Lots of companies also use social media to get their word out to the general public.  ProBest on Facebook, ProBest on Twitter, and ProBest on YouTube. Photo attached from a survey with PCT Magazine.

Just like the Scout Law – Trustworthy is at the Top of the list.

a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.
b : one in which confidence is placed.

So what is QualityPro – National Accreditation, Consumer Confidence and Training & Certification? Recognizing the best in pest management through accreditation and certification.  QualityPro Company Certification and 3 service certifications: GreenPro, QualityPro Schools, QualityPro Food Safety

Trust & Reliability

Rock walls

Rock walls

Rock walls and foundations. 24/7/365 that’s how termites work, always in search of food for the colony. They never sleep and if your home is in their path, that will = food time for termites. I suggest an annual inspection by a Qualified Pest Professional and if you are purchasing a home the same applies. Don’t just have a Home Inspector or a Realtor take a guess. You have a right to a professional opinion especially when making  purchase of that magnitude. Termite inspections are worth every penny you pay and I even had one by another company when I purchased my home.

Rock walls

What do you look for?

  1. Tubes and stains.
  2. Paint that looks like it is cracking.
  3. Wood with dirt in it.
  4. Down tubes in ceiling.


Who you Gonna Call? ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378

Need a Professional opinion? Client of yours has a pest issue?  A true story from this last week I had a realtor ring me at home at 8:20 am, she had a concern about a relative in a group home and bedbugs. Now here is the best part, I don’t care what you call me as long as you call me. A year or two back I had a Property Manager call on a Sunday. She had tried to reach her pest company and no one would call her back. She called me I answered and took care of the bees that same day a Sunday.

If you know me I don’t mind those concerns as long as they are legit and you’re not trying to sell me something. If you have my card my cell number is on it. Some people say OMG really, yep Really. If you need me I’m available, again legit only and not after 9pm or before 8am unless the rat has you cornered or the honeybees are at your front door trying to get in.

Call someone who cares – ProBest Pest Management 602-249-7378

How many Pest companies in town have their cell numbers available like this, not to many if any? If you need help do you want to spend an hour looking up companies or just have my card, stop by and pick one up or call my office they will send you one 602-249-7378

Again I would ask please only emergencies – rodent in a clients house, honeybees (remember swarms will move on 24-48 hours unless they are posing a Clear and Present Danger) I always wanted to say that. You get the drift, use Common Sense.



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