Hoarding, garbage, stuff & junk with pest control

Are you hoarding?

As we live in our homes we tend to collect stuff.  Hoarding this stuff often winds up taking up way more space then it should. I recently tried getting rid of office stuff and that was hard because you never now when you might need something. So I went through and said if I didn’t touch it for a year, I was throwing it out. Guess what, that’s what I did. Never easy but its got to be done – business or home, take a chance and clean the clutter. It is well worth the time and your home will be safer for all.

Just a reminder the more clutter and hoarding the more chance for pests including roaches and rodents making their home inside your home. I don’t care what anyone says just one mouse is a an issue for your safety and that of your family. So please give us a call if you see a mouse 480-831-9328 or cockroaches.



[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UMO2DczEBw[/embedyt]
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