
Did you know these unbelievable facts about Bed Bugs?


  1. Not reacting to their presence or hiding your head in the sand won’t help.
  2. They are excellent travelers, they are excellent at hiding and these days they are everywhere.
  3. Bed Bugs don’t care who you are – rich/poor, old/young, Republican/Democrat – they will suck your blood.
  4. Bed Bugs don’t care how clean or dirty your home is.
  5. Bed Bugs carry 28 different pathogens, but so far nothing proven on transmitting them to humans.
  6. Probably came from Europe in the 17th century.


Comment Contest – your scariest bug story


I want to hear from my readers about their scariest BUG story, tell me what happened and all the details. We will run the contest for a month – from August 2 – until August 31 and the best story (one) will get a $50 gift card.

So to get things off to a great start, this happened to me about 2 months ago. I was inspecting rodent stations at this warehouse in Phoenix and this mouse jumped and ran up my outer pants leg and then jumped into a nearby tree and I almost died. Don’t think I screamed but I jumped about 5 feet into the air.

All employee’s of ProBest Pest Management and it’s sub entities are not eligible for this contest.

So tell me your scariest bug story….. pictures would be fun


Household Hazardous Waste Disposal


Do you have a “mystery shelf” in the back of your garage, basement, attic or shed? If so, you aren’t alone. Many homeowners with clogged drains, an ant issue in the kitchen, a patch of crabgrass in the yard or rooms requiring paint touch ups tend to try a bit of this, a spray of that and all of the sudden, their “mystery shelf” accumulates bottles of expired DIY products, homemade remedies and unknown substances.

What happens to these products (also known as Household Hazardous Waste) on the mystery shelf? Leaving them around poses a potential threat to children and pets. But these products should not simply be poured down a drain, emptied into the backyard or thrown away in the weekly trash. Doing so can contaminate groundwater, drinking water and soil, and the improper disposal of these DIY products can create landfill buildup and pollution. At a time when being environmentally sensitive is more important than ever before, homeowners often have little – if any – information on the proper Household Hazardous Waste disposal at their fingertips.

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends the following tips for proper Household Hazardous Waste disposal:

  1. Permanent collection or exchange. See if your community has a facility that collects HHW year-round. Some of these facilities have exchange areas for unused or leftover paints, solvents, pesticides, cleaning and automotive products, and other materials. By taking advantage of these facilities, materials can be used by someone else, rather than being thrown away.
  2. Special collection days. If your community doesn’t have a year-round collection system for HHW, see if there are any designated days in your area for collecting solid waste at a central location to ensure safe management and disposal.
  3. Local business collection sites. If your community has neither a permanent collection site nor a special collection day, you might be able to drop off certain products at local businesses for recycling or proper disposal. Some local garages, for example, may accept used motor oil for recycling.

This information is brought to you by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA)


Hey, its only my opinion.

OK I’ve had enough, let’s stop our bickering and whining folks and let’s get to solving the more important issues at hand. Nothing gets me madder than all this constant disintegration of our lives here on earth. We are only here a very short time and whether we are picking on this class of person, or another – it just isn’t worth the time or aggravation (by the way if you made a mistake 30 years ago, it’s time to forgive and move on). Let’s work on making this place we live a better place for as many as we can.

I like the premise of “Star Trek”, everyone is equal and all are working toward equality for all. Remember the one where the guy was black on the left side and white on the right side the and the other was black on the right side and white on the left side. It showed the hypocrisy of the entire race point anyway. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Constitution spelled it out “all men are created equal” – period! The United States is a great place, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Why do we continue to beat ourselves up, often focusing our attention on hurting each other?

Anyway to my point, why can’t we focus in on the really important things like solving Malaria or Dengue Fever or Stop Dengue or for that matter any of the known diseases? So tell me what is your opinion, why can’t we all get along (Rodney King said it Best)?

Don’t be shy, comment below.



What triggers the attack of Africanized Honeybees?


Loud noises or vibrations,  sometimes just the smell – maybe aftershave or cologne and for sure don’t throw things. Here is some information from WikiHow at with pictures.

An incident this last week in Tucson can remind us of the dangers that surround us. Children at an early stage should be instructed in what is good and what is bed in nature. That is one reason why Dr. Bug teaches a class at the Chandler Environmental Education Center.


What’s happening in your neighborhood?

This story scared me and I wanted to bee sure everyone paid attention to issues in your neighborhood. This story takes place in Florida but could easily be Arizona,  Texas or any place where bees can make a home. This home in Port Orange, Florida had been plagued in the past but now that it is vacant it continues to be a problem in their neighborhood. I suggest that we all have something at stake in a neighborhood where there might be a foreclosed or vacant home. Here are my tips to stay safe when it comes to bees:

  • Check your home monthly especially in the Spring and Fall for unwanted guests.
  • Check the roof line and if you have a crawlspace make sure all doors are sealed.
  • Home seal your home.
  • Check the door thresholds, make sure they are sealed.
  • Check screens, repair or adjust if needed.
  • Check out building as well, sheds, cottages etc.
  • Bee work may not be a Do It Yourself (DIY) project, use caution or call a Pest Management Professional.

DIY   or maybe NOT!

Why are termites swarming in Phoenix, AZ?

Termites swarm as a form of reproduction and they are showing up everywhere in the Phoenix area and beyond.

probestpestmanagementIMAG0648    probestpestmanagementIMAG0643

This was what it looked like under almost every rodent bait station in South Phoenix yesterday. Termite swarmers (alates) break their wings off and then start to follow the opposite sex, ready to begin a new colony. The rain triggers the reproduction mode of ants, termites and other insects. Have you seen termites swarming at you home, if so now would be a great time for a termite inspection?

Rain = the beginnings of life…

Do you have any Pest Control Tips?


I’m sure each one of my readers have heard from their Grandparents or friends one tip that will help in getting rid of pests. So lets challenge everyone to contribute one or two great little tips.

For example there is one going around the web, which states that if you put some type of leaf into your bedroom – Bed Bugs will get caught in the bean leaf tiny hooks on the leaves. But who wants bean leaves all around the house?

So lets have a little fun here and tell me your stories, maybe the best one (my choice) will get featured on an upcoming home seal story.



Comments on my home seal at seal

Tick season can be a real problem for pets and us…

Tick Season is here – protect yourself and your pets…

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Solar Fly Machine – update


HUGE success….. My test site has an amazing amount of fly issues and they have had to dump this unit several times including feeding the flies to various critters. Solar Fly Trap

2 Thumbs up, the cost of this unit is $84.85 but well worth the cost. Unlimited usage, no throw away just refill the attractant and set in sun. Call ProBest Pest Management to place your order 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176


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