All posts in “NPMA”

I know my BUG’s by ProBest Pest Management – Contest

I know my BUG’s by ProBest Pest Management – Contest    – April 1st, 2013


The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA) have recently created the Pest I.D. Cards set and ProBest Pest Management is going to have a contest for kids.

For thirty weeks (30) we will post a Pest I.D. on our front door at 425 W. Guadalupe Road #110, Gilbert, AZ 85233, have your child read the info and go to one of the staff and they will stamp your paper.

You must collect all 30 stamps and you will receive a free set of cards.

Good Luck, have FUN and I.D. the bugs


Time for a change?


Is it time for a change with your Pest Control company, do they answer calls promptly and do they provide exceptional customer service? If they don’t I think it is time for a change. What should they provide you for pest control?

  • Well they should be able to get rid of the bugs. A few years back I just happened to be at a house for a termite inspection refinance and we got talking about bugs. She complained about American Cockroaches getting into the kitchen, as I did my inspection I brought along my bellows duster and just started dusting wall voids and the block wall voids. Surprise – the roaches came out in droves, they were everywhere. I took that account away from another pest company that day, just because I paid attention to her complaint.
  • Are they members of their local, state and national pest management association.  Arizona Professional Pest Organization (AZPPO), National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and are they QualityPro?
  • Does your Pest Company listen to you, do they answer your calls promptly and do they return calls promptly?
  • It’s the year of Social Media, do they have reviews from customers just like yourself?

Travel Bugs = Bed Bugs.

A little play on words, what is the travel bug – Bed Bugs of course!


Well in just about a week people will begin the Holiday traveling season, traveling to see relatives or friends. Hopefully not many will be bringing back any hitchhikers like Bed Bugs. So with traveling just ahead of us, here are a few tips for safety from National Pest Management Association and ProBest Pest Management:

  • Thoroughly inspect the entire room with a flashlight before unpacking, including behind the headboard, under lights, and inside dressers, drawers, sofas and chairs. I prefer to leave my luggage in the bathroom and hand my clothes on the shower rod.
  • Pull back the sheets and inspect the mattress seams and box springs, particularly at the corners, for telltale stains, spots or shed bed bug skins.
  • Place suitcase in a plastic trash bag during the duration of your trip to ensure that bed bugs cannot take up residence there prior to departure. *Tip: Pack clothes in zip lock bag for easy cleaning upon returning home.
  • Do not place luggage on upholstered surfaces. The safest place is in the bathroom in the middle of a tile floor or on a luggage rack after it has been thoroughly inspected. Do not use a luggage rack if it has hollow legs, where bed bugs may hide unseen.
  • If you notice bed bugs in your room, notify management and request to change rooms immediately.
  • Do not move to a room adjacent and/or directly above/below the suspected infestation.
  • When you return home, inspect your suitcases before bringing them into the house.
  • Vacuum your suitcase thoroughly before bringing indoors and storing away.
  • Wash all of your clothes – even those items you haven¹t worn – in hot water to remove any bed bugs or eggs that may have traveled home with you. Dry clean only clothes should be thrown in the dryer and run on high heat.

Maybe someone could explain this 3rd picture?

Maybe someone could explain this 3rd picture?



1st picture – beehive fell from wall, maybe is was so HOT it melted – OK I’m teasing but it did fall.

2nd picture – beehive wasn’t attached to tree limb but wall.

3rd picture – this was no where close to the wall but the bees were just settling there – hot asphalt somewhat in the shade under the tree, was it a swarm. They would move if I touched them with something like a stick but wouldn’t fly away. I thought maybe honey was dripping – no hive above, I thought maybe the Queen landed there – no I looked and couldn’t find her. Any ideas????????????????

Have you ever had one of those days?

Have you ever had one of those days, when you think the world may be against you?

Yes all of us probably run into this weekly, maybe daily. We can handle it primarily because of faith, faith maybe in a few different things like 1. Faith in God 2. Faith that it just happens 3. Faith that it probably can’t get much worse, but anyway you get my drift here. I don’t want to go on about the economy or the government, or preach about the existence of God but you know stuff just happens.

So here are a few tips to stop that stuff from happening – especially the bug or bird kind of stuff.

  • More cases of Bed Bugs are happening right now because we are traveling for the summer, so take precautions.
  • Get a termite inspection yearly, it can’t hurt – it’s not like a colonoscopy (I just had to throw that in) it’s nothing like that….
  • Don’t put firewood against your home, don’t allow rocks to be higher than the stucco.
  • Clean up those oranges and grapefruits that fall on the ground, better yet give them to the food bank.
  • Clutter in and around your home can lead to pest infestations.
  • Don’t let tree limbs touch the house.

When in doubt seek out a trained professional for advice – the National Pest Management Association has a great website for consumers.

Desperation leads to mistake! Bed Bugs

Desperation leads to BIG mistake! Bed Bugs


30 people have to find a new place to live for awhile , woman in Kentucky uses alcohol to treat her couch and this action leads to fire. “Kentucky woman sets apartment on fire while attempting to kill bed bugs

There is a place and reason to hiring a Professional, just like I don’t repair the brakes on my cars or company vehicles. I probably could do it but it isn’t my life and frankly other people do it better. What I can do and I’m rather good at it is understanding bugs and how to eliminate them. Its not always about

Please use caution and I truly believe you should call a Professional


Photo by PPMA mistake

Have You Hugged Your Pest Professional Today?

Have You Hugged Your Pest Professional Today?

April is National Pest Management Month    

For more than 30 years, April has been celebrated as National Pest Management Month, recognizing the professional pest management industry for its role in protecting public health and property from significant pest threats.

“Many people may not realize the important job pest professionals perform every day. Whether it’s salvaging a termite ravaged home, giving someone back the ability to sleep after eliminating a bed bug infestation or ensuring food warehouses and restaurants are free of disease-carrying pests, we are grateful for all that these men and women do every day,” said Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).

The NPMA is also encouraging people to brush up on common household pests including termites, ants, spiders and bed bugs this month.

Termites: Termites feed on the cellulose found in wood and paper products and cause more than $5 billion in property damage every year. With termite season upon us, homeowners should be on the lookout for swarmers (winged termites), which serve as a warning that a colony may have already settled inside.

Ants: Ants are the number one nuisance pest in the U.S. and are among the most difficult to control. According to a new NPMA survey of pest professionals, spring and summer are the busiest seasons for ant-related service calls. Ant infestations are most common in office buildings, restaurants, apartments and condos and single-family homes.

Spiders: While spiders tend to elicit fear in many people, only a few pose serious health threats to humans. For example, both the brown recluse and black widow spiders can cause painful bites that are especially dangerous for children and the elderly, sometimes causing gaping wounds and fatal reactions.

Bed Bugs: Bed bugs continue to plague Americans as they infest hotels, schools college dorms, residences and other places where people gather. A 2011 survey, conducted by the NPMA and the University of Kentucky found that 99 percent of pest professionals had encountered bed bugs in the past year; a number that has steadily risen over a 10-year period.

In an effort to encourage public education about this resilient pest, NPMA is launching “Bed Bug Awareness Week,” April 22 – 28, as a part of National Pest Management Month to spread awareness, promote public vigilance and provide essential prevention advice.

“With summer travel around the corner, NPMA is reminding travelers to be vigilant wherever they go and to be mindful about bed bugs’ hitchhiking nature.  A few simple prevention tips can go a long way in saving travelers from an infestation when they return home,” noted Henriksen.

For more information on National Pest Management Month, Bed Bug Awareness Week or for information on common household pests, please visit

The NPMA, a non-profit organization with more than 7,000 members, was established in 1933 to support the pest management industry’s commitment to the protection of public health, food and property.


Could your neighbors give you the bugs?

Could your neighbors give you the bugs?

What do you know about your neighbors? Do they visit you, do their children come and play at your house? Do you exchange things, do you borrow luggage? Do their children bring toys over, including stuffed bears or animals? Do their animals visit your home? Are you expecting guest who may spend a few days at your home?

All these questions seem somewhat benign but are they really? ProBest has seen some really bizarre ways that Bed Bugs are traveling these days. Spring break may be the perfect chance for these little blood suckers to get their travelin on. By the way it’s not just Bed Bugs but fleas, ticks, parasites of all sorts. No sense panicking but we just want you to be prepared and contemplate the options and consequence of a visit.

Read this survey – Bugs without Borders conducted by National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and University of Kentucky – Where are Bed Bugs found these days?

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