All posts in “snakes”

Snakes Good or Bad

Snakes Good or Bad

Snakes Good or Bad


Yes even the old man can wrestle up a snakes good or bad. OK we know its a Gopher snake and it is non-venomous. The point should be made that they are looking for food and if you have mice/rats they will be looking at your place. ProBest has this major account, 400 acres and the reptiles come into the main area in search of food. Often times its Rattlesnakes and nobody wants or needs this.

In general all snakes are good, they reduce the population of vermin. This is great except for those chance encounters in or near your home. King snakes and Gopher snakes are plentiful and will even eat Rattlesnakes.  We often encounter snakes while hiking, our technicians often find them hiding out in rodent bait stations. This gives them a real start for the day, actually anything in the box will scare you.

What do you do?

Since we run across snakes frequently, we do move them for customers. There is a charge for this, especially if it is a rattlesnake. Our liability increases due to the bite factor. Another issue is if you call us, you need to keep an eye out – while we get to your place. If we arrive and the snake slithered away, they is still a fee. Time is money.

The key to living with snakes good or bad, is knowing what kinds of snakes are here in Arizona. See the guide and learn how to identify the good from the bad. As always if you have an issue call us 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176 and keep an eye on snake so when we arrive we can catch and release down the road.

Drainage Block

Drainage Block

Drainage Block

Drainage BlockDrainage Block

What do we do?

We will cover with hardware cloth 2 areas from the inside, securing it in place with hammer gun device – this limits the pest from coming in. This exclusion stops snakes, rodents and other small types of critters. Now remember snakes and rodents do climb but this should limit anything from coming in via ground level. Notice: occasionally you will need to clean this area – if a lot of water passes through – it will pick up leaves, twigs etc.

SPECIAL: 2 area cover exclusion,  now only $95 limited time…………….. Special note – if you get three (3) neighbors to do it on the same day – ProBest will do all 3 at the price of $65 each address.








Rodent entrys

Rodent entrys

Rodent entrys and WHY should you be concerned? Mice and or rodents can cause significant problems in many ways and we will discuss them all.

  1. Allergens – caused by feces and urine, mice constantly urinate as they run.
  2.  Bite – yes they can and do bite.
  3.  Damage – yes they can cause extensive damage to wood, insulation and stuff.
  4.  They are also known carriers of salmonella and other bacteria.


Rodent entrys pose issues and I’ve probably have said it a 100 times, check your property monthly. This way nothing should get by you, like a raccoon moving into your shed. Or bees developing a hive that is huge in a tree or under hang area of your house. I hate surprises so knowing what is happening at your place. Whether home or business is crucial to living at your place. No one wants to walk out your door and be attacked by bees, living in a water meter box but it does happen. Look up, look down and check it all from the roofline to the base and check out the back yard and in the front. If you have regular pest control, the technician may bring to your attention anything they notice. I have many times found something either under a crawlspace or yard that needs attention. Check out my blog, every week I port what’s new in pest control in Arizona – the antics of a Pesty (Australian Slang)for a Pest Controller. Bugs/pest/rodents are so serious that they fall under many CDC regulations and Healthy Home Initiatives. That is a primary reason why we believe in IPM.

Mice Control

Mice Control

Mice Control

No matter what you do they will sneak in and gain access into your place. It can be the dreaded rat or mouse, and once in they are tough to chase out. But you can’t afford to let them take over your home or business, They need to live outside while you live inside. Mice in general prefer to build nest, they may be in out of way places or walls. You may see bits of chewed paper, or plastic in an attic area. You may smell fecal or urine smells or maybe even the odor of death.

Call a Professional, they know the little secrets and they know rodents and can help with Mice Control. They can identify feces and markings and plan the strategy to solve the issues.

Here are the Top 5 Reasons to keep mice/rodents  out of your home: More mice/rodents = more issues

  1. They bite and can cause rat bite fever.
  2. Rodents carry parasites.
  3. Mice/rodents/rats can carry disease & bacteria on their bodies.
  4. Their urine & feces can influence asthma and contaminate lungs etc.
  5. They can damage your house by gnawing, or urinating in attics etc.
Pest Control Maricopa

Pest Control Maricopa

Pest Control Maricopa and a few extra area, including Apache Junction, Gold Canyon, Gila Bend, Florence and Coolidge. We cover the entire Valley and sometimes depending on the issues the outskirts. The great thing about us, is that we handle downtown to rural. From Bees to Termites and of course everything in between like snakes and wildlife.

We just don’t kill things, we can often times figure out how they are getting in. The key to pest control is IPM and you hear me saying that daily. If you fix the problem outside before they enter the home, this often times cleans up the problem. Caulking and home sealing is essential in keeping out rodents and pests. Pest Control Maricopa County and all the towns, cities, villages and non-incorporated areas, are covered by our pest and termite services. Since 1981 we have worked hard to be the Professional you need to care for your home and family.

Maricopa County is the largest country in Arizona founded in 1918 and recently celebrated our 100th in 2018. Interesting to note there are approximately 4.5 million people as of 2019. So from 2000 there were 3,072,149 people, 2010 there were 3,817,117 people. That is over 1.4 million in 20 years, some pretty good growth and lots of opportunities in new endeavors and work. We do occasionally have issues with wildlife, moving into areas that previously they were not in. But as we do more construction we move them around.

So if you’re in need of any type of pest control service please check us out at 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176 ProBest Pest Management – Pest, Termite, Rodents and Weeds





The snakes are out and now is the time to watch where you step or put your hands. We put out a lot of rodent stations, black in color and the snakes love the heat and protection. They also occasionally get a treat when a mouse or rat stumbles in. So lets imagine that you’ve seen some rat feces or maybe a rat. Why should you be concerned? Not only will they try to get into your home but they carry diseases and parasites like ticks. Most of us have pets, like cats and dogs and rats can cause real issues even biting our pets. So with rats comes snakes, when rats are plentiful in a neighborhood snakes are often found. The snake below was found at a customers home near the pool area, can you only imagine what might happen?

So be aware of your property, if you see rodents call ProBest. If your unsure about any holes or openings – call ProBest? Play it safe and call the Number 1 Pest Control Company in Gilbert, Arizona. We are here to help you design a safe and pest free home. Home sealing is another measure to ensure that rodents and pest don’t enter your home. We will come out and inspect your home and come up with a plan to seal it up, including all holes and entry points. Over the years molding and caulking fails and allows wildlife and pests attempt to enter. Sealing is a BIG help.

  1. Reduce Clutter
  2.  Pick up fruit that has fallen
  3.  Reduce or get rid of weeds
  4.  Check your property frequently look up and down
  5.  If you have a shed check it from time to time.
  6.  Fix leaks

Snakes & Rodents

Well it’s that time of the year for snakes to become a tad more adventuresome . They are looking for food and may be drawn into your property following their food. They like ground squirrels, rodents and smaller game. So, much like scorpions and their food, it is important to keep an eye out for rodent activity leading to snake activity.

Remember snakes are venomous versus poisonous, they bite and that is the difference. Anything that bites, injects is venomous while things like Poison Ivy is poisonous – if you eat it etc.

Snakes provide a real service by keeping the population of rodents in check. Many people would argue but even rattlesnakes have their place – as long as its not near or in your home. ProBest does have a service to remove those snakes from your property. The only thing I ask, please keep an eye out until we arrive so it doesn’t take us an hour to find it. Please call ProBest Pest Management today for any information 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176.

Kings of Pain

Kings of Pain tv show, you have got to watch this show. These two guys inflect pain upon themselves and then rate the pain on 3 levels – intensity, duration and damage 1 -10. They expand on the work of Justin O. Smith 1-4 with his pain scale. Now just so you know, I’m a wimp when it comes to pain. I think by now you should realize that men are babies, I can be a home sick and continue to moan as if there was someone home to hear me.

So I hear about these stings, I have been stung a few times by bees or hornets but nothing serious. Now I’m not downplaying the issues some people have with one sting but apparently I can get through several.

Now look at the stinger on this Tarantula Hawk, wowzers. This menacing bug ambushes tarantulas, lays an egg on it after stinging it and paralyzing it and the baby grows up on tarantula meat. This flying little bugs rarely mess with us, but if you provoke them watch out for that stinger. So give the Kings of Pain a look and see what you think?

Desert Holes

Desert holes can mean just about anything. I have seen mice to rats and even snakes emerge from various holes. With rodents such as mice and rats expect snakes to be right behind. That includes rattlers so use extreme caution while hiking or even around your home.

If you notice desert holes, check them out. One of the BIG things with me when I’m checking homes is to check pool pump and air conditioning units for signs of rodents. If you see poop, it is time for bait stations – these little pests gnaw pipe and wires. That bill alone will be several hundreds of dollars. Check your property monthly and avoid the headaches and call ProBest Pest management for all your pest needs 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176.




Liberty Wildlife We recently moved into a newly built facility and had a few problems with rodents. Due to the nature of our business wildlife care we constantly strive to hatch, protect and raise wildlife. Rather than use bait we use the rodent station with snap traps to stop rodents from entering our buildings and cages and to protect all of our resident’s birds/animals/wildlife. We recently encountered a breech in our building and have sealed it, we then decided to address the numerous holes from rodents on our property. ProBest Pest Management brought to our attention the BurrowRX system and I must say it exceeded our expectations. No residual and no mess, the carbon monoxide kills the rodents and they stay put under the ground. No effect on our animals, wildlife or birds. We absolutely hate having to eliminate the rodents, but this system is humane and free from harmful chemicals or rodenticide secondary poisoning. ProBest Pest Management has always been on the cutting edge of the newest methods in pest/rodent eradication and have done most of the work pro bono over the years because of our status as a non-profit. ProBest has brought us birds that have been hit and helped to move a nesting Barn Owl with eggs. We highly recommend their service, they are top notch and are true Pest Management Professionals and they are QualityPro certified with 2 Associate Certified Entomologist on staff. 2 Talons up for their excellent service since 2011, my Staff and I use them and highly recommend their service. Terry Stevens Director Liberty Wildlife

The BurrowRx system is a unique system for eradicating varmints and rodents. Just insert the tube device into their holes and the carbon monoxide will kill them humanely.

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