



These lizards are can often be found at South Mountain doing pushups on the boulders and the lizard in the picture is a Chuckwalla. They range in size up to 16 inches, and they live in the Southwest here is Arizona from California all the way to Southern Utah and Nevada. We do have a lot of lizards here in Arizona, but nothing as big as those Florida Iguanas.  Those were in the news recently when it got really cold and they were dropping from the trees. A friend has one in Payson, she named Stan, it hangs out daily and soaks in the sun.

In regards to pest control, we don’t treat and shouldn’t treat for them as they do more good than harm. They eat plants like annuals and perennials and will feed on insects. Occasionally they find their way inside, usually by mistake. Just let them out to continue to do what they do.




Wolf spiders are one of the fastest spiders, at least from my point of view. These arachnids have excellent eyesight and hunt down their prey. They don’t build webs and hunt alone. I have seen some about 2 inches, which is big enough for me. I’m not a BIG fan of spiders in general. These spiders are hairy and when their young are born they climb up on Mom’s back until old enough to fend for themselves. There are about 124 species of Wolf Spiders in the US and range in color from brown to black. They are venomous and usually use the venom to attack their prey, they can bite humans if they feel threatened and may react if squeezed or mishandled. So please wear gloves gardening and working in sheds and garages. Remember spiders eats lot of bugs and are considered good.

So what do you so to prevent running into them:

  • Keep the clutter down, interior and exterior.
  • All screens should be in place.
  • Keep doors sweeps in place, and closed.
  • If you store boxes in attics, open them outside or in garages.
  • Keep bushes, plants away from house.
  • Trees should not touch the house.
  • Cut down on lighting, but if you must have lights use yellow bulbs. This will keep the prey at bay.

Dryer Vent lint

Dryer Vent lint

Dryer Vent lint  

Dryer vent lint causes up to 15,000 house fires each year, not as much as termites at 5 billion but it all adds up in damage. I know its one more thing to think about when you own a home. I would wager that since you have lived in your home – it has never been done. In the extreme heat of Arizona it really gets hot and that lint is a common place. 34% of home fires are a result of not cleaning the dryer vent, causing 51 deaths, 380 injuries and 236 million in property loss. The question to ask is how well the dryer is working, how long does it take to dry clothes? The picture above had over 4 lbs of lint throughout the tubing, and much like your arteries there were blockages.


  1. Lint clogged vents, birds nesting or rodents finding their way in.
  2. Poor installation or service.
  3. Bearing and breaker issues.
  4. Inappropriate use.
  5. Drying things that shouldn’t be in the dryer. Some items throw off the spin and cause damage to drum.



Well look who was surprised to see me? Yes Mr. PackRats or is it Roof rat? Boy have we been busy in North Phoenix with rats? I really think its the new Arcadia going on. My house is at 7th and Union Hills area and even I was hit with rodents. This was a mess, they had a outdoor rug with fringe and the rodents took all the fringe for a nest. Its baby time, which in Phoenix is year round.

  1. Check your home monthly for any strangeness going on.
  2. Check up and down.
  3. Open outdoor cabinets and hiding places.
  4. Check screens.
  5. Check door seals.
  6. Homeseal your home.
  7. Don’t let trees or vines touch the house.
  8. Check out buildings, bees and rats enjoy the shade of sheds etc.
  9. Check yards and boulders for holes.
  10. Call ProBest for a PROFESSIONAL inspection, 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

We have all kinds of critters trying to get in your home, from ants to rodents. They will find a way in.

Rodent Guards

Rodent Guards

Rodent Guards

Rodent Guards

Rodent Guards are installed on the very flimsy plastic trim around the garage doorway. Often times this breaks or the rodent chews its way into the corner of the garage. This metal sheets prevent the rodent from chewing its way pass the trim. Remember rodents frequently use their whiskers to travel, as they turn a corner they round it and find their way into the garage. This weather stripping is light weight vinyl or rubber and frankly no match against this teeth of  a rodent.

Did you know?

  1. 40% of all mammals on earth are rodents.
  2. Those front teeth, incisors continue to grow.
  3. Rodents generally are rats, mice, squirrels, beavers, prairie dogs, hamsters porcupines and guinea pigs. In a separate group are rabbits. In Arizona we have had issues with rabbits chewing pool pump wires, ac lines and car wires.
  4. These rodents must constantly use these teeth as to wear them down or talk about a Dentist bill.

So if you see a rodent, see their droppings or see rub marks or a nest, its time to call ProBest 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176

Down tube

Down tube

Down tube

Termites in AZ are generally shy and often will move along if disturbed. That being said I don’t think they move to far and will often attack the same home. I have seen them in a tube that was scratched and they don’t come back and on the other hand I’ve seen them rebuild a tube the next day. Finicky yes, persistent yes, 24/7/365 yes and you get the picture.

The pictures is a down tube usually the first signs of termites in a home. Subs always move with the grain of the wood, then hitting another 2×4, continue with the grain. Rather than go back the same way they try to take a short cut and try coming down. I’ve seen mud drop down tubes over 6 feet in length. Awesome to say the least.

In the woods or nature they do the recycling and rebuild the land with fertilizer, and we build right on top. They are just doing what’s in their nature. Its a system that encompasses scavengers and builders. From earthworms to termites, they do their part in our ecosystem.

Its when they get into our houses that we take action. There are many avenues to take for control and Termidor is at the top of my list.


Rain run off

Rain run off

Rain run off

You paid to have termite treatment done, how can you protect your investment? All chemical whether pesticides or termiticides ultimately loose the ability to protect. Rain run off and many things can degrade the chemical and today we will discuss them.

  • Water or rain – the more you can divert the water the better.
  • Animals digging up the soil – stopping the Ground Squirrels and/or rodents will stop the termiticide from moving.
  • Plants – should not be planted within the extended area of the eaves of the house. The roots will move chemical and soil and the plants block sunlight from reaching the house walls helping them to stay dry.
  • If you dig up the soil next to the house, contact your Pest Company to redo the barrier. If you are placing pavers don’t let touch the stucco you need a little room to see the foundation.
  • Planters are nice but not if they block your walls, no access to see the foundation and termite tunnels.
  • No wood should touch the soil, including trellises and vines. Blocks the ability to see foundations.
Escaped Scorpion

Escaped Scorpion

Escaped Scorpion


Somebody is running for their life, escaped scorpion wanted Dead or Alive but mostly dead please. ProBest occasionally chases up a scorpion or two in our treatment regime. Usually they hide under rocks or in crevices or block walls. So once again don’t put your hands when you can’t see where you are putting them. If you are cleaning the garage or a shed, please wear gloves and be careful.

Its always great to pay extreme attention to the task at hand. Where do they hide you ask?

  1. And crack or hideaway in the house or shed.
  2. Block walls (that’s why we dust those things).
  3. Dark places, so. don’t leave shoes outside or on the floor.
  4. Attics.
  5. Garages.
  6. Under rocks and things in yards. I often see roof tiles outside. Place them against block walls not the house.
  7. Places that hold heat at night.

Things that help

Black-lighting, consistent pest control and sealing up your home – these 3 things can ultimately reduce numbers and protect the home. Your family and loved ones can have peace of mind regarding these stingers. Remember they are venomous – things that sting or bite, poisonous is like poison ivy or things that if you eat it, it could kill you. Don’t walk around in bare feet, wear shoes.

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