All posts in “mice”

One problem can lead to another, sometimes more frightening..

One problem can lead to another, sometimes more frightening..

I really get concerned when I see pigeons, birds nesting on someone’s roof and I get worried when it happens to be rodents in someone’s attic. Remember this home seal from a few years ago “Pigeons and their Mess!” and “It’s not always what you think! Ceiling stain.”

Here is a story and video from Albuquerque about a very similar problem – secondary infestation from bird mites and carpet beetles. “Pigeon problem leads to bug infestation at Albuquerque apartment” by Chris Ramirez KOB Eyewitness News 4.

OK I have a great idea, NYC rat problem = Thailand

OK I have a great idea, NYC rat problem = Thailand

We all have heard about the issues in NYC and the giant rat or the mega number of rats, what if a young entrepreneur started trapping rodents and sent the meat to Thailand. “Demand For rat meat in Thailand Exceeding Supply of Rodents” from OutdoorLife  Gayne C. Young. Hey I’m just saying!

This would be a Win, Win for everybody – it would diminish the number of rodents in NYC and supply food for people in Thailand who apparently like this stuff.  This rodent meat is going for $3 a pound.

I decided not to show the picture – :mrgreen:

Someone has lost it in Washington D.C. —– amazing new law

Someone has lost it in Washington D.C. —– amazing new law.

DC Rat Law ‘Crazier then Fiction’ – Requires Rats to Be Relocated with Families

VA AG Fears DC Law May Relocate Rat ‘Families’ to Virginia

OK so sometimes you see stuff and you think how the hell did that happen? This has got to be one of those events, somebody who thought this was a good idea and somehow people went along with this. Rodents rats, mice are vermin – plain and simple. Now I understand that rats deserve a place on this earth, its just not in our homes or businesses. If you don’t keep check on things they will take over or spread disease – just like the Plague in the 14th Century – 1/3 to 1/2 of Europe died.

Cuccinelli said D.C.’s new rat law–the Wildlife Protection Act of 2010 (Wildlife Protection Act of 2010.pdf) –is “crazier than fiction” because it requires that rats and other vermin not be killed but captured, preferably in families; no glue or snap traps can be utilized; the rodents must be relocated from where they are captured; and some of these animals may need to be transferred to a “wildlife rehabilitator” as part of their relocation process.

The law does not allow pest control professionals “to kill the dang rats,” Cuccinelli told “They have to capture them–then capture them in families. [Not sure] how you’re going to figure that out with rats. And then you have to relocate them. That brings us to Virginia. Now, if you don’t relocate them about 25 miles away, according to experts, rodents will find their way back. Well, an easy way to solve that problem is to cross a river, and what’s on the other side of the river? Virginia.”

Hantavirus and Plague                               Filthy Cities (Medieval London) and early New York…

My opinion – BAD MOVE, vermin are vermin – end of story. Who comes up with this stuff?

What’s worse rodents or snakes?

What’s worse rodents or snakes?

I guess it all depends on your perspective, maybe you are not a fan of either one. Phobias get to all of us I think (recent article ProBest’s Blog Fear and Phobia’s) and from my earliest day spiders have not been a good thought. So which is worse – I think either could be but at least generally speaking snakes can kill you. I’m going to rank snakes higher on my list just because they can bite.

So  this fall I received a call from a warehouse that was really having an issue with  snakes and rattlesnakes to boot. They were wondering about near the bay doors and has people were coming around the corners they would get the shock of their life. So the fix is to take away the food, if you eliminate or reduce the numbers of rodents the snakes will move on. Now thats if they read the same book I read. But just for the facts it worked, reduced the number of rodents and the snake call went away.

Remember its not so much the technique as it is the knowledge. You can spend time trying to figure out the options and spend money often times with little or no effects. So call a Pest Management Professional at ProBest Pest Management and be ahead of the game.

Curiouser, Curiouser the Intriguing Tale of a Mouse or the Rat…

Curiouser, Curiouser the Intriguing Tale of a Mouse or the Rat…

An actual story from two of our customers:

Curiouser “There I was sitting on my couch one late evening, probably shouldn’t have been watching a scary show.Then I heard the noise. My mind races thinking I was being burglarized or someone was watching through a window. Then I heard it again and small noise more like a bump. I got up and went into the kitchen and I almost screamed, it was a small mouse on the kitchen sink counter. I couldn’t wait, I knew my bug guy was probably asleep. But I did call and got the asnwering machine and I left a message. Then it happened the Bug guy called me back and boy was I impressed with that company. The Bug guy said it probably was something unusal and that he would see to it that someone would respond first thing in the morning.”

So it turns out that the mouse probably came in through the bottom of the kitchen door and we replaced the door threshold. We put down a tin cat to catch the little mouse (which we did the very same day). We did check all the cabinets and only found a few little dropping on the counter and no where else.No mention of a rodent again from that customer and I’ll bet she is extremely glad of that.

  1. The inspection – identifies the issue and the cause = one mouse.
  2. Fix the problem – door threshold.
  3. Catch the mouse.
  4. Follow up with customer.

I received a call one morning from a very upset customer – during the night one of her children had to use the bathroom and discovered a rat in the toilet. I can only imagine that scream and how I would respond to that shocking discovery. She indicated that the rat was still in the toilet and would I please respond ASAP. I had to think for a minute or two to come up with the plan and I headed that way. I put a fishing net under the seat and lifted the lid and there it was – one scary wet looking rat. It was tired and I grabbed it with my gloved hand and put it into a bucket and away I went. Several months ago I saw the customer again and she mentioned the rat again and we laughed. In my 20 years in this industry I have never had a rat in a toilet and often think about how it got there. Second story bathroom, no signs of a tree touching the home and I would think the sewer pipe was a long way to go – so I’ll guess I’ll never know!

  1. Inspection/asscertain the issue
  2. Remove rat
  3. Inspect to make sure nothing can come in from outside, windows closed, no evidence outside including any way in.


Not my video but one I found on youtube. stelladachicken


When is a PEST a Pest?

When is a PEST a Pest?

The Arizona Office of Pest Management defines as “Pest” means a vertebrate or invertebrate insect, bird, mammal, organism, or a weed or plant pathogen that is in an undesirable location.

So what does that mean, let’s say you have Bahia Grass growing in your driveway and that it doesn’t belong there or you don’t want it there = pest. Or you have roof rats in your attic, obviously you don’t want them there = pest.

It really isn’t the fault of the weed or bug, it is just doing what its supposed to do. Live and breed, I know as long as it doesn’t happend in your home. So keep up with the pest, keep the weeds down and home seal to prevent the pest or wildlife from getting into your home.

30 days to nothing

30 days to nothing, the saga of a mouse…

30 days to nothing, the saga of a mouse…

 30 days to nothing-  OK to be candid with you I almost decided not to publish this dribble! Really the entire story just makes me sick and not because of the mouse but    what some people will do to cash in on a lawsuit. Remember that lady with the McDonald’s coffee years back, she put the coffee cup between her legs and it spilled and burned her. Well my point is you can’t fix stupid, I mentioned that often here but for God’s sake you know its HOT and you put it between your legs – please!!!

So as the story goes “Mountain Dew Can Dissolve a Mouse“, I think most of us have heard of Pepsi or Coke and how it can dissolve a penny. So grow and realize that most of these beverages are made of acidic materials. I drink Mountain Dew and will continue to because I like it and just because some guy thought he could pull a fast one doesn’t stop me from enjoying a Dew. Now I’m not an expert in the bottling industry but having seen some shows, bottles (if they even use them anymore) are washed out, upside down, rinsed and thoroughly disinfected and filled and closed with minutes, cans and plastic bottles are new even if recycled. I don’t think there is any opportunity for anything the size of a mouse to get into a production line these days.

So anyway don’t believe everything you hear, don’t worry about PepsiCo or Coca Cola (Coke). Read my recent home seal about Food Safety.

Here is another take on the Mouse versus the Dew from EHS Eco-Sensitive Pest Solutions from NorthEast USA.

Arizona winter -Where do the bugs go?

Where do the bugs go in the Arizona winter?

Arizona winter – Any ideas?

Do they fly to Cancun or Puerto Vallarta, where do they go? Well the simple answer is that they just hang around usually staying put whereever they were when it got cold. All insects are technically cold blooded, actually they really don’t have blood like you or me. In Arizona it may not get cold enough to kill them. But they get cold, they shut down. They do try to find an area which stays warmer, maybe a block wall that heats up during the day and stays warmer at night as it releases the heat. Rodents on the other hand will find a way into a structure in search of heat. They will gnaw their way in and once in will set up shop, along with any parasites they may have.

So the key here, is to keep them out. Seal, caulk and exclude them out and if you can’t do it – you know who to call —– ProBest Pest Management!

Arizona winter


Spread of “Black Rats”

The spread of “Black Rats”

A great article from Discovery Magazine “Man is the environment of the rat

This story talks about the complexities of movement of invasive species from around the world, also discusses the spread of other problems associated with the spread of those animals and their pests. We have an issues with Mollusks hitching rides on boats and engines. They than drop off or multiply in other fresh bodies of water. Most cases are accidental but sometimes we our are own worse enemies. Bringing to mind Hawaii, bringing in Mongoose to control rats. Rats come out at night not Mongooses. Bad decision and bad consequences.  Now Hawaii has both and they can do some real damage to areas.


NPMA photo

Mischievous creatures and rodents.

Mischievous creatures and Rodents..


I’m often reminded of the Christmas Vacation movie and the “Chevy Chase” aka  Clark Griswold’s Aunt’s  cat chewed the Christmas light strand one and the squirrel in the Christmas Tree stills gets me laughing.  But in reality it’s no laughing matter, each year hundreds if not thousands of homes catch fire because of critters chewing or gnawing on the wires.  Two fires cause minimal damage over the weekend – these were in Florida.

Attics and crawlspaces can house birds, animals, and rodents. Their feces/urine can build up over time and create a whole boatload of trouble for you. Diseases and parasites are secondary issues after the issues has been fixed. Once a month check you home for holes, entry ways into your house and just anything that may be different than the last time checked.

mischievous creatures

Photo from PPMA

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