All posts in “termite”

Termite Hourglass


Photo by PPMA and NPMA

Hourglass contains 1 cup of sawdust, which equals what a subterranean termite colony could consume in a 2-hour period. Something to think about? Reminded me of the slogan from the TV Soap “Days of our Lives” – “Like sands through the hourglass .. so are the Days of our Lives.”

Termites are relentless and will work 24/7/365 trying to gain access into your home or business.

Its National Termite Awareness Week.


Information by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) – check out the info at their site.

My Top 10 Tips on preventing Termites at your home or business:

  1. Don’t stack wood or firewood against your home.
  2. Trim trees so they don’t touch your home, better yet don’t plant trees to close to your home.
  3. In Arizona our termite season is really somewhere near August through December depending on monsoon rains.
  4. If you have a crawlspace, check to be sure that you don’t have any water leaks.
  5. Check the foundation for mud tubes, inside if you see mud trails or tubes coming from the ceiling call a Pro.
  6. Don’t store boxes over the expansion joint in garage, leave a little space to inspect the wall and foundation.
  7. Any structure like shed should be installed on blocks or concrete, wood to ground allows termites to damage the shed.
  8. Slope dirt and stone away from home, don’t allow dirt or rock to be higher than the stucco.
  9. Position sprinklers away from the house.
  10. Once a year call a Professional Termite Inspector, have them give you their opinion and advice on termite activity.

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Termites are active in Arizona.

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The first picture is at the tire stop and the termites decided to just continue right on to the wall. The 3rd picture is my favorite, it appears someone decided to paint right over the tube. Maybe they were trying to hide it from the dreaded Termite Inspector (Me), by the way that doesn’t work.

Termites are plentiful here in Arizona…


Always be on the lookout for something that looks like these pictures, termites build these tubes to protect themselves and to gain entry into your home.

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Subterranean termites live in the ground and these mud tubes are often visible on your foundation. So if your checking your home and see something like this, it is time to call a Pest Management Professional.

Why are termites swarming in Phoenix, AZ?

Termites swarm as a form of reproduction and they are showing up everywhere in the Phoenix area and beyond.

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This was what it looked like under almost every rodent bait station in South Phoenix yesterday. Termite swarmers (alates) break their wings off and then start to follow the opposite sex, ready to begin a new colony. The rain triggers the reproduction mode of ants, termites and other insects. Have you seen termites swarming at you home, if so now would be a great time for a termite inspection?

Rain = the beginnings of life…

Rainy season brings the termites, are you ready?


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When your home was built the contractor probably was required to pretreat the soil before pouring the concrete slab. By AZ law a final grade was to be performed within a certain period, if you look in the electrical box you may find the two required stickers. One should be the original pretreat and the second is the final grade. Now that’s if they haven’t fallen off or are not legible. You can also visit the Office of Pest Management site at – they started keeping track in 1990 I think.

Back in the day termiticides like Chlordane could last for 50 years, but in my opinion today I think it is closer to 15 years. Especially when placed under concrete without things that would break down the chemical. The outside of the home or that final grade is another completely different story. If nothing messes it up it might last 7 years but that doesn’t happen very often. Water, rodents, sun and the heat, people installing pipes or wires often disrupt that barrier. It is my opinion that you shouldn’t plant anything under the eaves of the roof line, roots and water may affect the home and you don’t need anything else to worry about.

So keep checking your foundation, clear away rocks or soil from the stucco area – you need to be able to see that foundation. Don’t stack firewood against the home or for that matter any other debris. As always if you need an inspection give ProBest Pest Management a call at 602-249-7378 or 623-414-0176.

Freaky nature show in New Orleans

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I have spent many days and many hours in New Orleans, LA working on and studing termites. Termite swarms occur at different times of the day generally on the east coast of the U.S. Subterranean termites generally swarm in eary afternoon, drywood termites usually in late afternoon and Formosan termites in the evening. As an avid bug guy, I have to say that I love swarms. Whether its a Harvestor ant swarm or honeybees, I love them all. It is kind of funny, but many years ago when some of the termite baits came to the market and then Termidor came – many people thought that the termites would just go away. Never happened and probably never will. As great as those products are – the bugs continue to win.

Are termites on the prowl around your home?

Subterranean Termite Tube


Termites are always on the lookout for water and some sort of wood, so they can eat. In Arizona inspect your home especially in the monsoon season when the rains come. The more irrigation or water increases your chances that you will see termites. They build these little tubes or tunnels to go from the ground up into your home.

About the only way sure way to control these termites is by placing a pesticide barrier between them and the wood, often this means hiring a Pest Management Professional. You need a complete exterior treatment and I suggest Termidor or Transport.

Ahhhhh those termites are at it again……







Sometimes termites just pop up in the weirdest places, this is an apartment and I believe that the issue is the firewall – stemwall with a floating slab. I always suggest that if you find a crack in the concrete and your going to put down tile or wood, have a termite company drill it first then put the tile down.

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